economy and politics

The judicial process begins with the Council’s presidency in doubt and amnesty in the air

The judicial process begins with the Council's presidency in doubt and amnesty in the air

After five years of paralysis, the agreement to renew the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ) heralded the end of the vitiated atmosphere that has characterized the opening ceremony of the judicial system held every September at the Supreme Court in recent years. But the —so far— inability of the new members to elect their president threatens to plunge the body into a new deadlock with unpredictable consequences. Talks are still ongoing, but it is unknown whether the situation will have been resolved by next Thursday and, therefore, who will give the traditional speech with which the judicial year begins before a display of robes and authorities, including King Felipe VI.

All of this in a new academic year in which the consequences of the blockage to which the governing body of the judges has been subjected for the last five years must begin to be reversed: mainly, the accumulation of up to almost a hundred vacant positions in the top management of the main courts. But it will also be marked by the challenges of the application of the amnesty law; the possible indictment of the Attorney General of the State, Álvaro García Ortiz, for his denial to Miguel Ángel Rodríguez, Isabel Díaz Ayuso’s chief of staff; or the progress in the case against Begoña Gómez, including the complaints filed against her instructor, Juan Carlos Peinado.

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