
The ambitious Control 2 will be made possible by one of the most renowned editors in the industry

Remedy and Annapurna will work together on Control 2

Remedy Entertainment has big franchises and well-known titles, however, the financial situation of this Finnish company does not allow it to shoulder the weight of several AAA productions. That is where partners come into play and today it was revealed that the sequel to one of its best titles already has the support of a renowned publisher.

Annapurna Interactive will co-finance the development of Control 2

Remedy announced that it already has a partner who will participate in the co-financing of Control 2a sequel to the successful 2019 paranormal action-adventure and suspense video game. The company in question is Annapurna Interactive, one of the most important in recent years thanks to its good eye for selecting quality titles and especially different proposals and even with an artistic approach that shows the potential of the medium beyond the power of graphics.

Remedy and Annapurna will work together on Control 2

In this regard, Remedy reported that Annapurna will financially support the development of Control 2and the Finnish company will also be the publisher of its own video game: “Remedy will be able to make Control 2 be exactly the game we want it to be. We now have an incredible partner to extend our IPs into other media. We’re also going to publish Control 2 ourselves. When I look at all the games we have in the pipeline, the future of Remedy is incredibly exciting. You can trust us to continue delivering amazing gaming experiences.”

The good news is not limited to the reality of Control 2as part of the same statement, it was announced that Annapurna Interactive also became a partner to bring franchises such as Control and Alan Wake to film and television.

It seems that Remedy’s projects have great potential as they continue to have the support of large companies despite the adverse financial results of recent quarters. It is known that the remake of Max Payne It is developed by Remedy but partly funded by Rockstar Games and now Control 2 is supported by Annapurna.

Recently, the company revealed that sales of Alan Wake 2 They are still below the investment recovery line, but they assured that they are close to reaching that goal and then register profits.

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