economy and politics

Territorialization of the 2030 Agenda: advancing comprehensive public policies to achieve the SDGs


The territorialization of the 2030 Agenda is a challenge that is present at the time of its implementation. To this end, the involvement of local governments and actors linked to the territory is essential, thus advancing in the development of voluntary local reviews (VLR) that allow monitoring the progress of the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) with robust information systems.

In this endeavour, the 2030 Agenda promotes respect for human rights in the monitoring and review of the SDGs. The intersection between human rights and the 2030 Agenda allows us to identify significant paths to building a fair and equal society without leaving anyone behind.

The participation of various local actors is a fundamental element in these processes, both to access the territory and the production of data, and to ensure that no one is left behind. It is in this line that the role of youth in monitoring the SDGs was addressed, reflecting on experiences, challenges and opportunities in the region.

With the aim of delving deeper into these issues, the Development Planning Network for Latin America and the Caribbean held a Discussion Forum asynchronously during June and July 2024. This Webinar seeks to present the reflections shared through the forum and promote conversation regarding the incorporation of the human rights approach in the territorialization of the 2030 Agenda, as well as the role of youth in monitoring the SDGs and the preparation of voluntary local reviews.

The call is addressed to members of the ILPES/ECLAC Planning Network as well as to professionals and public servants interested in these topics.

Discussion guiding questions

  • How can a subnational government integrate the human rights perspective in the development of ELV? What experiences can be highlighted in this context?
  • What positive impacts can the incorporation of a human rights perspective into the process of developing ELVs have?
  • How can we involve youth and other populations in monitoring the SDGs and in the process of developing the ELV? What are some notable experiences in the region?
  • What sources of information are being used to monitor and follow up on the SDGs at the local level? How and where can this information be accessed?
  • What are the main challenges regarding the availability of information to report progress on the SDGs at the subnational level? What are some notable experiences in addressing these challenges?

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