The Popular Party has admitted that the previous direction of the formation reached a written agreement with the PSOE to reform the law of the Judicial Power. The deputy secretary of the party’s Autonomous and Local Coordination, Pedro Rollán, has given truth to the document published this Tuesday by the newspaper El País with the pact signed by the then general secretary of the popular party, Teodoro García Egea, and the Minister of the Presidency, Félix Bolaños, to reform the powers of the governing body of acting judges. The PP accuses the Government of having leaked the text and says that in their conversations on the subject with the new leadership they never mentioned the letter nor, therefore, did they give it any value.
Sánchez urges the PP to “comply” with the written agreement signed in October 2021 to renew the Judicial Power
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“It is evident that it has been leaked from within the Government with a clear intention,” Rollán said in statements to journalists in which he accused the Executive of Pedro Sánchez of making “political trilerism” with the issue. According to the popular leader, when Alberto Núñez Feijóo was appointed president of the party, he met with the PSOE to talk about the reform of the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ), blocked by the PP since 2018, and at no time did the socialist formation mention the document. “Everyone will remember that no member of the Government or the president made reference to a previously signed document. He understood the position of the new leadership of the PP and did not value that document, ”he said.
As he has insisted, only today they have known, “through leaks”, the text that Bolaños and Egea signed in October 2021 in which they promised to present a joint bill to modify the powers of the Judiciary and allow it to could appoint two magistrates of the Constitutional Court while still in office, as it is now. According to information from El País, the agreement was signed with the negotiation for an unblocking of the governing body of the judges about to close and just after both formations agreed on the appointments for other bodies such as the Constitutional, the Ombudsman Pueblo or the Spanish Agency for Data Protection, which at that time were also blocked.
That agreement was signed months before the change in the direction of the PP, after the war unleashed at the beginning of this year between Pablo Casado and Isabel Díaz Ayuso, which culminated in the arrival at the head of the party of Núñez Feijóo. With the new leadership, the talks with the PSOE began “with a blank sheet of paper”, as Rollán specified today, who has insisted several times that the document has been leaked by Moncloa. “The only one that has been able to filter it is the government. What we do deny is that the Government considered that this document was binding, given that we started with a blank sheet of paper in the PP wishing to have judges with greater independence, with less interference from the political class, ”he said.
After the document was published, Pedro Sánchez has asked the main opposition party to “comply with what was signed”. In a press conference from La Palma, Sánchez recalled that the PP has been “1,351 days” blocking said renewal. “There is no precedent in Europe for a blockade like the one that is being submitted to the judges”, he has emphasized during a press conference. That is why he has made a new “call for responsibility and constitutional loyalty” to the PP so that it sits down at the table again and signs the agreement reached nine months ago.
Asked about Sánchez’s request, Rollán pointed out that the PP “has always reached out despite the insults and disqualifications” and has advanced that they will continue to do so, although he has not specified whether he is going to meet again with the PSOE to address the renewal and has limited itself to indicating that its formation presented a document in July with a proposal, in parallel to the parliamentary initiative that the Government registered to allow the Judicial Power to appoint two Constitutional magistrates despite being in functions.
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