economy and politics

Air tickets would increase in price for the end of the year holidays

Air tickets would increase in price for the end of the year holidays

As a result of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, several sectors have been affected, such as fuel prices in the world. This will undoubtedly have a impact on airline operationsaccording to several companies.

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The increase, known as ‘jet fuel’, has had an effect on Colombian airlines such as Viva Air, which weeks ago announced that it would suspend some routes starting in August due to gasoline prices.

According to experts consulted by Bloomberg Line, the cost of a barrel of ‘jet fuel’ went from 85 dollars, on average, at about 170 dollars. This will be reflected in prices in the coming weeks, according to analysts.

Both the increase in fuel costs and the devaluation of the Colombian peso generate upward pressure on airline fares. We estimate that the rise may be close to 15%“, assured Jorge Jiménez, Commercial and Planning director at Wingo for Bloomberg.

Jiménez also pointed out that the hope of the sector is placed in the revival that it has been presenting once the travel restrictions decreed by the pandemic were eliminated.

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We know that these impacts [el aumento del costo de los combustibles] generate inflationary pressures on tickets, but we are optimistic about the demand for travel in the short term“, said.

According to figures from the Colombian Association of Travel and Tourism Agencies, Anato, in December 2021 the movement of passengers in the country had a reactivation of 112% and abroad of 93%.


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