economy and politics

The pillars of sustainable management for Asobancaria in 2023


He Asobancaria’s 2023 Trade Union Management Report presented its results through major themes such as strategy and corporate governance, stability and risk management for banking and indicators and metrics for the Sustainable Finance Goals (SFM).

The financial union said the report presented the strategic focus of sustainability for the guild, synthesized in the OFSwhich include finance for the planet, for diversity, equity and well-being. For each of these objectives, two goals were defined that frame the management that Asobancaria has been developing in sustainable finance in relation to the Sustainable Development Goals.

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Firstly, the strengthening of aspects was highlighted Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) in decision-making in the banking business.



81% of entities said they have committees related to ESG issues in which members of their boards of directors participate, an increase of 26% compared to 2022 and 86% of entities had a materiality analysis, an increase of 21% compared to 2022 which facilitated the creation of corporate sustainability strategies, reaching 79% of entities, 16% more than the previous year.

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In human talent, the figures reveal that work on gender equality has borne fruit, since although the figures corresponding to labor force and management positions have been maintained over time, the number of female presidents on boards of directors has grown.




It is highlighted that in environmental and social risk management, 20 entities identified short, medium and long-term climate riskswith physical risks being the most critical for portfolios and 11 entities using guidelines from second-tier, multilateral or parent banks and 13 entities had their own Environmental and Social Risk Analysis System, analyzing $73.8 billion, of which $27.9 billion were disbursed, with increases of 38.4% and 101.7% compared to 2022.

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The balance of the members’ portfolio reached $705.2 billionwith nominal growth of 1.92%. Portfolio quality was 4.7%, up from 3.5% in 2022, and more than $543 billion was invested in data security and cybersecurity.


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