economy and politics

Seminar “The future of Latin American industrialization in the face of new global challenges"

In this joint event, ECLAC and UNIDO will present the most important results of the lines of research they are carrying out on these issues, including UNIDO’s Industrial Development Report 2022 “The future of industrialization in a post-pandemic world”. . These results will be used as a frame of reference to discuss future industrial policies with academic experts, policymakers, and private sector representatives from several countries in the region.

The event will help generate a debate at the regional level regarding the role played by industrial policies to promote a structural transformation that allows progress in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, in an international context with growing tensions. Participants will discuss the following questions:

– In light of the changes that production chains are undergoing and the role of digital technologies in these changes, what kind of structural transformation does Latin America and the Caribbean need? What are the threats and opportunities facing the region? Is there evidence of relocation of productive investments?

– What role does industrial policy have in promoting an inclusive and sustainable structural transformation? What role does the manufacturing industry play?

– What type of industrial policy should be promoted to promote the development of capacities in Latin America and the Caribbean? Can regional integration regain ground?

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