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Getting rid of an electronic device is common because they are not eternal and at some point they complete their cycle or in some case they present failures that render them unusable. However, there are those who decide to throw away hardware for different reasons even though it is still useful and a case was recently revealed in that some consoles were close to having a terrible fate.
Video: SPEEDRUN – News Roundup – Week 31
The trash of some is the treasure of others
A reddit user shared a case he experienced up close that resulted in the salvation of a small batch of consoles, controllers, and a couple of games. According to the story, her girlfriend’s aunt decided to throw away several consoles to make room, in addition to considering that there was no reason to have them at home. Upon hearing about it, this gamer immediately went to the home only to verify that the systems were already stacked waiting for the garbage collection service. Obviously, he would not let this happen and that, perhaps, more than garbage was a stroke of luck that could be for someone else so he took the lot.
As you can see from the image, reddit user Duckindafed took home 4 Xbox 360s, an original Xbox and a Nintendo 64 along with a box full of controllers. The good news is that in testing each console he found that they still worked, with the exception of the white Xbox 360 which suffered from the infamous Red Ring of Death.
Also, there were other surprises waiting because the original Xbox had inside it a copy of Halo 2 while one of the Xbox 360 had a copy of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.
In the end, the consoles were saved and will surely have a new life to continue having fun, the best thing is that they were free because for the aunt they were nothing more than garbage.
Has something similar happened to you with any console or video game?
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Video: 20 YEARS – Xbox
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