Science and Tech

‘Blue Screen of Death’: The Face of CrowdStrike’s Bug That Has Affected Companies Around the World

File - Blue Screen of Death Example

File – Blue Screen of Death Example – MICROSOFT – Archive

Latest news on the worldwide crash after a failure at a Microsoft company

July 19 (Portaltic/EP) –

‘The Blue Screen of Death’ has become the visible face of the CrowdStrike Falcon platform update error that this Friday affected numerous companies from different sectors around the world that use Windows computers.

CrowdStrike is a cybersecurity firm specializing in endpoint protection (equipment located at the end of a communication channel and connected to the network) in the context of cloud technology, with the aim of stopping security breaches.

Its main product is Falcon, a platform designed with a light and simple architecture that amplifies artificial intelligence in the cloud and offers real-time protection and visibility of all the organization’s assets. Microsoft is one of its clients.

It has been precisely a Falcon Update which has caused failures in Windows hosting related to Falcon Sensor, the agent in which the different security solutions are implemented in the terminal. This has led to numerous computer equipment around the world displaying the so-called ‘blue screen of death’.

Is about a way to report an error in Windowswhich displays, as its name suggests, the blue screen, and a brief indication of the problem that has been detected and that prevents the computer from working correctly, in this case due to the failure in the CrowdStrike solution. Microsoft explains on their website This blue screen usually appears “if a serious problem causes Windows to shut down or restart unexpectedly.”

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