economy and politics

ECLAC took part in the forum “Energy Transition – Bolivia 2050”

Within the framework of the construction of an energy transition strategy, the Ministry of Hydrocarbons and Energy convened the Bolivia 2050 Energy Transition Forum, as a space for dialogue and collaboration to discuss, analyze and systematize proposals on the energy transition. Six working groups and panels were formed with the participation of actors from the public and private sectors, national and international. The groups were divided by areas: hydrocarbons, biofuels, renewable energies, climate financing, lithium, alternative energies. ECLAC participated in the working group on renewable energies and in the panel on governance and governability of natural resources. At the end of the two-day event, each working group presented, at the plenary meeting, the results with the conclusions, challenges, objectives and strategies.

In its participation, ECLAC highlighted the importance of dialogue and the participation of government actors, businesses, civil society, banks, cooperation agencies and international experts in the processes of developing strategies and public policies. In this way, greater long-term legitimacy is achieved for the institutional, technological, normative and regulatory transformations and changes needed in the governance of the energy transition.

For his part, the Minister of Hydrocarbons and Energy of the respective country pointed out the importance of maintaining a commitment to achieve the transformation of energy systems in more sustainable and resilient ways. He also mentioned the positive benefits in relation to innovation and employment.

The event took place in the city of Santa Cruz between June 27 and 28. Representatives from UNDP Bolivia, IDB, CAF, Global Compact, Confederation of Private Entrepreneurs of Bolivia (CEPB), Federation of Private Entrepreneurs of Santa Cruz and the National Chamber of Industry also participated in the event.

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