economy and politics

Coahuila and San Luis Potosí gain in employment due to investment announcements

Coahuila and San Luis Potosí gain in employment due to investment announcements

However, these states are the winners in terms of job expectations from these announcements, accounting for 15,124 new jobs, representing 24% of the estimated 62,940 jobs.

Coahuila registers the lowest level of informality

In Coahuila, 8,049 new jobs are expected as a result of investment announcements in the first half of the year; foreign inflows of 2.1 billion dollars are expected for this entity.

According to the Mexican Institute for Competitiveness (Imco), Coahuila is the third state in the north of the country to attract investment related to the nearshoringas it was evaluated favorably in 10 out of 15 indicators.

Regarding the labor market, he says that conditions are good, as it has the lowest level of informality in the country, with 34.2% and a level of income from work of more than 10,000 pesos per month.

It is also the fourth entity with the greatest availability of qualified labor, where 3 out of 10 economically active people have higher education.

Among the investment announcements for Cohuila, the most notable are those of the Japanese tire company, Yohama, with an investment of 380 million dollars, with an estimate of more than 1,000 direct jobs.

There is also the investment by the Chinese company ZC Rubber, dedicated to the manufacture of tires, worth 500 million dollars, for which the number of jobs was not specified, but Manolo Jiménez, the governor of Coahuila, has said that there are thousands.

San Luis Potosí expects more than 7,000 new jobs

In San Luis Potosí, a state that belongs to one of the most dynamic industrial zones in the country: El Bajío, 7,076 new jobs are expected due to investment announcements in the first half of the year.

According to the government of San Luis Potosí, a strengthening of the cluster automotive, with the nearshoringwhich translates into the arrival of new supplier companies, and therefore more jobs.

Mexico, how are we doing?, has pointed out that San Luis Potosí is one of the entities that is gaining relevance in the context of the nearshoring in Mexico, which is boosting the formal sector.

Among the most important announcements for the Bajío entity in the first half of 2024, is that of the Chinese company, Shangai Unison for 400 million dollars and the generation of 3,000 new jobs.

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