Science and Tech

The simple trick to extend the battery life of your Android phone: it couldn’t be easier

The simple trick to extend the battery life of your Android phone: it couldn't be easier

There are many myths about mobile phone batteries. Of course, not all of them are true, and some of them are only half true. What is certain is that It is one of the most delicate components of modern phones.and which in many cases are related to its proper or improper functioning. Therefore, It is advisable to take care of them.

And what is the best way to do it? According to experts, There is a simple trick that usually helps extend the battery life of any Android mobile. or at least it allows them to work better while they do so. It is nothing more than calibrating the battery. Here we tell you everything you need to know about this practice.

What is the purpose of calibrating the battery of an Android phone?

In many cases, calibrating your mobile phone’s battery can not only extend its life, but this simple trick is usually associated with other significant improvements. For example, increase the accuracy of readingsOver time, your phone’s software can become inaccurate, causing it to suddenly shut down even if it says it still has a charge.

In addition, calibrating the battery can also be helpful when it comes to detect when a battery may be damaged or suffer a problem, for whatever reason. This way it can give you clues as to whether or not it is time to replace it with another one.

How to calibrate the battery of an Android phone?

The good of calibrate the battery of a mobile phoneis that it is extremely simple. Anyone can do it by following a series of simple steps.

  1. Use your device until turns off due to lack of battery. Please note that if the phone turns off before reaching 0%, you have to turn it on again until it is completely drained.
  2. Once the mobile is turned off, Connect it to the charger and let it charge until it reaches 100% without interruptions and without turning on the device at any time. When the battery is full, let the device remain connected for at least one additional hour.
  3. Finally, turn on the Android phone and confirm that it marks 100% battery. Then Use the device normally until the battery drops to 10-20% and charge it to full once again.

Although this is the general formula, it is worth bearing in mind that the way to calibrate the battery may vary in some Android models, especially depending on the manufacturer. What does not change is the frequency with which it should be done, but not too often. The normal thing is every two or three months, as long as there are no problems before.

In some cases, it may also be a good idea to perform a battery calibration on your Android phone when a major update has been applied to the phone.

One important consideration, though: distrust the apps to calibrate the battery that is on sites like Google Playsince they do not always help, and sometimes they can harm.

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