
Pokémon Sleep is one of the most successful mobile games in the franchise

Pokémon Sleep has already generated $100 million

Time never stops showing how fast it passes and one more is the 1st anniversary of Pokémon SleepIt was in July 2023 that the title debuted worldwide and in all this time it has raised tens of millions of dollars.

Apparently the peculiar proposal of Pokemon focused on sleep monitoring has been liked by fans of the series, since in view of its anniversary Pokémon Sleep would have generated $100 millionaccording to a report by with figures of AppMagic.

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Pokémon Sleep It is one of the most successful games in the series on mobile devices.

As is customary in this type of games as a service, Japanese users are the ones who have contributed the most to the revenues of Pokémon Sleepbecause according to the information $73 million come from Japan, $15 million of USA and $4 million of Taiwan.

As for downloads, Pokémon Sleep has registered 9.8 millionof which 44% were paid for by the users Japanese, 17% of the Americans and 7% of the Taiwanese.

To put it in context, the tremendous success Pokémon GO In his first year he achieved around $566 million according to Statista. The figures of Pokémon Sleep could pale in comparison to the game of Nianticbut the truth is that the one of SELECT BUTTON It is very different and much smaller in size and we do not doubt that $100 million in their first year are a success for the project. Pokémon Masters EXon the other hand, managed to $75 million in his first year and $300 million In just over 4 years.

In case you missed it: users of Pokémon Sleep have logged millions of hours of sleep.

Pokémon Sleep has already generated $100 million

What do you think about the success of Pokémon Sleep?, have you contributed to their income? Tell us in the comments or on Discord.

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