
The first stone of a Church at the crossroads of Shiite Iran and the Sunni world

Milan () – An event that embraces the entire community and, at the same time, the face of a migrant and border Church that grows in a context where, despite difficulties and unresolved critical elements, there is a wide margin of freedom both socially and in the practice of worship. The ceremony of laying the first stone of a new building, which is part of the parish of Ghala in Muscat, capital of the Sultanate of Oman, was a festive occasion for the entire Apostolic Vicariate of Southern Arabia, which includes neighbouring Yemen and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), where it is based. The function was held last weekend and concerns a structure that will play a strategic role in the development of parish activities and in responding to the needs of the faithful, who have long been asking for a place for catechesis or to promote meetings, in a missionary perspective.

At the service of training

“I am happy to be here with you,” said Monsignor Paolo Martinelli, Apostolic Vicar of South Arabia, “and to be able to lay the first stone of a new building that will be at the service of this parish.” The new structure, he continued, will serve as a “pastoral centre for Christian formation initiatives, catechesis and a residence for priests” and will allow for better organisation of pastoral care “so that children, young people and adults can grow in faith.” In his speech, the prelate recalled the role of the prophets in the Bible and in the Second Vatican Council, which assigns a “prophetic” role to the people of God. “In a certain sense,” he said, “we are all prophets, because we have been baptised, we have received Confirmation, we have a sense of faith and, above all, we are animated by various charisms that the Holy Spirit never ceases to give to the Church.” “In our time – he warns – we have many associations and lay movements that help us to rediscover our baptism and to be prophets, that is, bearers of the word of God in daily life, in our families, among young people, friends, society and school. To be a prophetic people,” he concludes, “[…] We must constantly form ourselves in the Christian life.”

In recent years, the Catholic community in Oman has grown considerably, highlighting the need for new spaces and infrastructure, especially in the Ghala area, which has experienced a real population boom over the years. The transfer of the main ministerial headquarters and the economic and business heart of Ruwi to Ghala itself has led to a substantial growth in the population, including many Catholic families, while highlighting the inadequacies of the existing structures. One figure stands out above all: the number of children has fallen from less than 100 at the beginning, in 1987, to more than 2,000 today. The ecclesiastical structures were not only inadequate in size, but also lacked the modern means to ensure effective catechetical teaching and parish and community activities. To continue to fulfil its mission, the Church had to invest in a larger and more resilient infrastructure.

Stone for the new generations

The idea for a new building for pastoral care arose during the first visit of the then newly appointed vicar, Monsignor Martinelli, in February 2023. The apostolic vicar, who has made the Christian education of children, young people and adults one of his priorities, considering it one of the pillars of the Church’s mission in the Gulf, recognized the importance of this request. It was also fueled by the desire of many parents and lay people to be catechists, with the need for adequate space to carry out the mission. The parish priest, Fr. George Vadukkut, presented the plan for the new building in January 2024, and following approval by the vicariate and the government, a blessing ceremony was held on June 13, with the laying of the foundation stone in recent days.

The ceremony was also attended by Dr Ahmed Khamis Masood Al Bahri, Director of the Ministry of Religious Endowments and Religious Affairs of Oman. In presenting his work, Fr George stressed the crucial importance “for the” new generations, who need “motivation” and “guidance” from the Church “to navigate the complexities of modern life”. The priestly residence, he warned, will provide “an enabling environment” for the clergy to live and work, enhancing their “ability to support and guide our community”. “This project”, he concludes, “is a testament to the extraordinary cooperation and dedication of our parishioners, reflecting our shared commitment to fostering a strong and faith-filled community.”

Religious freedom, political balance

The Sultanate of Oman is located in the south-east of the region, is divided into 11 governorates and 61 provinces and has a population of about 4.5 million; they are predominantly Arab, but there is also a considerable percentage of foreign workers from other Middle Eastern countries, as well as the Philippines, India and Pakistan. Like many nations in the region, it has an economy based on hydrocarbons, especially natural gas, combined with the tourism sector. Islam is the state religion and Sharia law is the main source of law, but the principle of religious freedom and the prohibition of religious discrimination are also affirmed.

86% of the inhabitants are Muslim, and Christians represent 6.5% of the population, or about 300,000 people, of whom 70% are Catholic, 13% Orthodox and 6% Protestant; the remaining 11% are independent groups or small communities. The faithful are almost exclusively economic migrants from other Asian countries, especially the Philippines and India, and live in the large urban centres, from the capital, Muscat, to Sohar and Salalah. The territory is part of the Apostolic Vicariate of Southern Arabia, based in Abu Dhabi, and has four parishes, two in Muscat, the capital, one in Salalah and one in Sohar, and 12 resident priests. In March 2022, the local Church celebrated the first priestly ordination, that of Father Eugene Dicksonfrom the Salesian province of Bangalore, raised in Oman.

Politically, Muscat has been manoeuvring behind the scenes for years as a balancing act between Iran (Shiite) and the Sunni world, from Riyadh to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Qatar, which have long been engaged in proxy wars in Yemen and other areas of the regional chessboard. In the past, Oman was recognised by the Vatican for its contribution to the negotiations for the release of the Indian Salesian. Fr. Tom Uzhunnalilkidnapped in Aden in March 2016 in the jihadist attack on the house of the Missionaries of Charity in which four nuns died. A relationship consolidated over time and which led the Holy See and Muscat in February 2023 to establish full diplomatic relationswith the opening of a nunciature and embassy and the aim of promoting “greater mutual understanding” and “strengthening friendship and cooperation.”

Although it enjoys general respect for religious freedom, there is no shortage of critical elements in the recent past, such as the trial of four people in a case dubbed “Ghaith spaces”, after the name used on social media for discussions and clashes. Its members were arrested in 2021 on charges of violating the Internet and Information Law, for spreading material that violates “the values ​​of faith and public order”, and imprisoned.

Activists say the practice of female genital mutilation (FGM) is still prevalent in some areas, despite being banned in 2019 following legislation declaring the practice illegal. There is also a lack of strict laws against domestic violence and protection policies for victims, as well as gender equality and rights in marriage, divorce, inheritance and child custody. Finally, as regards migrant workers, a regulation came into force on 25 July last year for the private sector, which is 80% foreign-born: several improvements were introduced, such as reducing the maximum working week from 45 to 40 hours, increasing paid sick leave and allowing employees to leave their employer if they are not paid for two consecutive months, even though there are shortcomings in terms of discrimination and harassment, including sexual harassment.



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