
High Commissioner denounces growing restrictions on civic space in Venezuela ahead of elections

High Commissioner denounces growing restrictions on civic space in Venezuela ahead of elections

Although official figures indicate economic growth of 5% in 2023, Venezuelans still face serious obstacles to accessing food, health and educationWomen, people in rural areas and indigenous peoples are disproportionately affected, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights said on Wednesday.

Volker Turk presented to the Human Rights Council an update on the status of these guarantees in Venezuela, highlighting that the protests for a decent minimum wage and adequate standards of living have continued.

In this regard, he urged the authorities to take measures to alleviate the shortcomings in health, education, food and decent wages. Likewise, He called for the lifting of sanctions affecting the economy.

Arbitrary detentions

Türk referred to the people arbitrarily detained, detailing that 65 of them have been released since May 2023 and He called for the release of all those who find themselves in that condition..

In the same vein, he said Concern over allegations of terrorism-related crimes which do not meet international human rights standards, where there are also problems with the right to a fair trial, and indicated that his Office documented 29 cases of persons prosecuted under the relevant legislation last year.

He also noted having registered from May 2023 to date 28 cases of people arrestedsome of them dissident voices, whose whereabouts were hidden from their relatives and lawyers despite their families’ efforts to seek information from the authorities. This occurred for periods ranging from two to 41 days, which amounts to an enforced disappearance.

“All reports of forced disappearances must be investigated and prosecutedand this practice must be stopped,” he said.

Restrictions on civic space as elections approach

Regarding the presidential elections scheduled for July 28, he denounced the Restrictions on civic space and arrests of opponents as the election date approaches.

The High Commissioner stated that both these elections and the local, regional and legislative elections scheduled for 2025 “are key opportunities to respect the will of the people.”

“I deplore the fact that restrictions on civic space are increasing. In fact, the opposite is needed: a free and open space for debate,” he said.

He added that the reports of arrests, including of opposition supporters and members, that his Office has received “They do not bode well”, which is why he called for these practices to change.

Harassment of critical voices

On the other hand, Türk reported that threats, harassment and assaults have increased in the last year. journalists, trade unionists and other critical voices, including arbitrary arrests.

He also mentioned the worrying draft law on non-governmental organisations and their financing and the introduction of a Bill against fascism, neo-fascism and similar expressions, containing vague definitions and spacious.

“I reiterate my call to not to adopt legislation that further restricts the right to participate in public affairs and the freedoms of association and expression,” he added, recalling that this was one of the issues he raised during my visit to Venezuela in January of last year.

The High Commissioner concluded his report by emphasizing that The only way forward in Venezuela is to build trust.

“I urge all those in power to make concrete commitments to this end. Now, More than ever, a constructive and open dialogue between the people and with the State institutions is crucial. to overcome deep divisions and rebuild the social contract among Venezuelans,” concluded Türk.

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