
Israeli army kills four Palestinians in Nur Shams refugee camp (West Bank)

Damaged buildings in the West Bank town of Tulkarem

Damaged buildings in the West Bank town of Tulkarem – Europa Press/Contact/Mohammed Nasser

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The Palestinian Authority’s Health Ministry reported on Tuesday that four people have died in the Nur Shams refugee camp in the West Bank city of Tulkarem, as a result of a military operation carried out by the Israeli army in the area.

The four deceased are Yasid Saed al Shafi, 22; Nimr Anwar Ahmed Hamarsha, 25; Muhamad Yaser Raja Shehadé, 20, and Muhamad Hasan Ghanam Kanú, 22, the ministry said on its Facebook account.

For its part, the Israeli Army has indicated in a brief statement published on the social network X that it has carried out a drone attack against a terrorist cell that intended to install explosive devices in the area.

The Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) has already responded that such actions, aimed at “discouraging Palestinian resistance”, will not achieve their objectives, according to the Palestinian daily ‘Filastín’.

“All attempts by the enemy to discourage the resistance from fulfilling its jihadist duty towards Palestine and its holy places will undoubtedly fail, and (the resistance) will continue its path towards freedom and the elimination of the occupation; the enemy will pay double for these crimes,” said Mahmoud Mardawi, a senior Hamas official.

The Tulkarem Governorate has already called for a strike on Wednesday that will affect “all aspects of life” except for university entrance exams, the Palestinian news agency WAFA reported.

This comes after an Israeli soldier was killed the day before and another was seriously injured on Monday morning by a bomb explosion in the Nur Shams refugee camp in an attack claimed by the Tulkarem Battalion, a militia associated with the Al Quds Brigades, the military wing of Islamic Jihad.

At least two Palestinians, including a teenager, were killed on Monday after being shot by the Israeli army during an operation in Tulkarem, the Palestinian Authority’s Health Ministry said.

Israel’s operations in the West Bank and East Jerusalem have intensified following the attacks carried out on October 7 by the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) and other Palestinian militants, which left around 1,200 people dead and nearly 240 kidnapped. Since then, more than 560 Palestinians have been killed in the region, also in attacks by Israeli settlers, adding to the more than 37,900 killed in the Gaza Strip by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) offensive.

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