Science and Tech

Seven electric cars could be charged with the electricity used by Google’s AI

The Google search engine is no longer a search engine, that is why it has launched the Web button

If you take a look at the actions of the vast majority of technology companies, they all seem to have something in common: their total commitment to artificial intelligence. It seems that everyone is clear that this technology is not only the future, but probably already the present, and they do not even consider that it could really be a “bubble”, as some point out.

Among them, and as it could not be otherwise, Google wants to take the lead. To start with, it uses artificial intelligence to feed and evolve its search engine. However, this supposed improvement not only continues to generate controversy, but it could also be using more electricity than charging seven electric cars at the same time, according to a new study.

Google and artificial intelligence, guaranteed controversy

To be honest, technology has long since ceased to conform to the premise that, at least in theory, it evolves according to the needs of the user. It is nothing new now First, the article or technology must be created, and then the demand will be generated later. Things of the consumerism, it is assumed. However, Google is treading on slippery slopes.

These assessments could be perfectly related to artificial intelligence itself. It is true that no one had asked for it, but the big technology companies are putting their hopes (and to a large extent also their pockets) in these advances called changing everything. Google, on the other hand, does not seem to find the key, and it is something that is noticeable in its search engine.

Even though Google’s artificial intelligence has not yet arrived in Spain, American users are already fed up with it. It is something that has been happening since it was first launched, but it has now taken on a new meaning, if possible. To start with, some media such as Gizmondo They are reporting that since its appearance, the results are worse.

Not to mention another problem, and in this case not only related to Google, but in general to all artificial intelligences: everything related to copyright, a delicate matter. But if all this were not enough, now there are those who accuse Google’s AI in another sense: the ecological one. Apparently, its electricity consumption is no joke.

The tremendous waste of Google’s AI

According to the information shared by the media Jacobinthe ecological impact that artificial intelligence (from Google, in this case) could have is a topic that is being “covered up” and which is generally not given the importance it deserves. The conclusions they reach are compelling: With the electricity used by Google’s search engine AI, “seven electric cars could be charged.”

Something that would demonstrate that each search powered by artificial intelligence would have an energy cost ten times greater than that of a traditional search. On this basis, and taking into account that in 2023, some 8.5 billion searches were made every day on Google (98,379 searches per second), the situation is, to say the least, thought-provoking.

Known how we work in Computerhoy.

Tags: Artificial intelligence

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