Science and Tech

More than 22 million tests were done with ChatGPT and that’s not bad

More than 22 million tests were done with ChatGPT and that's not bad

It also highlights that learning to use these tools from school will be a differential value once students reach the working world, since there it is already something normal to increase the productivity of professionals.

“It is very important that these skills are also talked about in teaching so that the student understands the scope and limitations of this type of tools and thus can take advantage of them. If he does not know them, he would be a disadvantaged student,” says Correa.

The role of the teacher also matters

In addition to students, the other element that also plays an important role in this equation is that of teachers, who have lagged behind in the adoption of technology compared to students.

Turnitin data indicates that while more than 75% of students use some type of these platforms daily, around 20% of teachers use these tools for their daily work in the classroom.

Based on the experiences they have had in Turintin, Correa contributes that some of the most assertive ways to use ChatGPT is to allow it to write an essay, but then carry out an analysis of the result and improve it based on other research methods, something that contributes both to the topic of the class and to the critical use of technology.

He highlights that the firm’s AI detector has been used not only to realize the incidence of ChatGPT in school work, but also to determine the quality of the sources it is using, something that helps to make the process more transparent and in-depth. investigation.

“Something we have heard from educators in Latin America is that these technologies are part of a reality that we cannot ignore,” says Correa. “That is why it is time to adapt the ways and methods of educating.”

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