economy and politics

The Government gives the green light to increase the salary of public employees by 2% for this year

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Several people are assisted by the Tax Agency to present the income tax return corresponding to the year 2022, at the Montalbán Treasury Administration, on June 1, 2023, in Madrid (Spain). – Carlos Luján – Europa Press

An additional increase of 0.5% will be approved in January 2025, with effect from January 1, 2024

June 25 () –

The Council of Ministers approved this Tuesday the 2% salary increase for the more than three million public employees planned for this year, which will be collected immediately, in the first possible payroll, and with retroactive effects from January 1.

As explained by the first vice president and Minister of Finance, María Jesús Montero, in the press conference after the Council of Ministers, an additional 0.5% will be added to this 2% depending on the evolution of inflation that will be approved. in January 2025, but referring to the year 2024.

“We maintain our commitment to public employees, not in vain, they are the main asset that the administrations have,” highlighted Montero, who added that with the approval of this salary increase, full compliance with the framework agreement for the Administration of the Century is given. XXI signed with the unions.

In this sense, he has stressed that, by virtue of this agreement, the total salary revaluation of public employees in its period of validity (2022-2024) will reach up to 9.8%.

Specifically, the Government signed with the CCOO and UGT unions for this year a salary increase for public employees of 2%, plus an additional 0.5% if the sum of the variation in the advanced CPI for 2022, 2023 and 2024 exceeds the fixed salary increase applied during said years (8%).

According to data from the National Institute of Statistics (INE), the 2022 IPCA was 5.5%, while that of 2023 ended at 3.3%, which is a total of 8.8%, which exceeds the limit established to apply that additional 0.5% increase.

In this way, in January 2025 that additional 0.5% will be approved so that the salary of public employees increases by 2.5% in 2024 as a whole.

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