Science and Tech

Battle of the titans: these are the most advanced humanoid robots by 2024

Battle of the titans: these are the most advanced humanoid robots by 2024

In terms of innovation, in recent years everything seems to be advancing at a faster speed and the field of robotics is no exception to this rule. With the accelerated development of artificial intelligence (AI) and mechanical capabilities, A clear example of this progress is humanoid robots..

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These devices designed to resemble humans in appearance and behavior have increasingly incorporated technologies to improve their interaction with the environment. This includes natural language processing, mobility, and sensory abilities.

Although these devices have been conceived with the idea of ​​transforming different sectors and facilitate some tasks to improve efficiency and productivity, They also put on the table a debate around the future of work, the ethics of AI and coexistence with technology.

We tell you which humanoid robots are considered to date as the most advanced.

It is a company specialized in the development of this type of models with a view to facilitating automation in the processes of some industries. Its most notable product is a robot known as Apollo, which was designed with the objective of reducing labor shortages.

Apollo has a weight of 72 kilograms and measures about one meter and 70 centimeters. These characteristics are not a coincidence, since its main task is to support construction work or tasks that require strength.

In fact, recent tests have shown that this robot is capable of lifting objects weighing up to 25 kilos, walking and opening doors.

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The star product of this robotics firm with artificial intelligence is the Figure 01, a robot capable of performing physically intensive or dangerous tasks. Among the characteristics that stand out the most include their ability to discern objects not only by their shape but also by their functionality.

This robot also has a load capacity of up to 20 kilograms and an autonomy of five hours.

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This humanoid robot created by Boston Dynamics has the ability to interact with its environment using its hands. Recently, was improved for lifting heavy and irregular objects and move more fluidly.

Plus, it’s integrated with artificial intelligence, so it will learn from its environment and improve over time to perform tasks more accurately.

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This is the second generation of the humanoid robot developed by Tesla. This is equipped with greater mobility and has sensors in the fingers to handle more delicate objects.

Besides, It is capable of moving at about 0.6 meters per second, which represents a speed increase of more than 30% compared to its previous version. Like Apollo, he has a weight of 72 kilograms and an average height of one meter and 70 centimeters, which allows him to perform all types of tasks that require strength.

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