economy and politics

The changes that will come for workers with the approval of the labor reform


He labor reform project managed to pass its first debate of four in Congress before the end of the current legislature. The project proposes a series of changes for workers, compared to the current scheme.

In total, 81 articles were approved and 23 that developed the collective right proposal were eliminated.. Learn how they will affect you:

1. The night shift which currently begins at 9:00 pm, but if the reform is approved it would begin to be counted from 7:00 pm, making workers earn two hours. Companies must pay a surcharge to people who work after this hour.

(You can read: Step by step to calculate your settlement, according to your salary and time worked).

2. The work on the mandatory day of rest or holidays They would be remunerated with a 100% surcharge on the ordinary salary in proportion to the hours worked. Today this amount is 75%. Its implementation would be gradual as follows:

– Starting in July 2024, the surcharge for working on a mandatory rest day or holiday would increase to 80%.

– Starting in July 2025, the increase would be 90%.

– Starting in July 2026, the surcharge will be fully applied.



3. The fixed term employment contract It could be held for a term of four years, but if it is extended it will be understood to be indefinite. In this way, the indefinite extension that currently exists in this type of contracts would end.

(More: Does a worker who is paid daily have the right to severance pay?).

4. The compensation for dismissal without just cause.

_ In fixed-term contracts or for work or labor, the minimum will be 30 days (not 15 as it currently works).

– In indefinite-term contracts it will be: if the person worked less than a year they will be paid 45 days.

– If you worked between one and five years, you are paid 15 days per year worked (over the 45 in the first year).

– If it was between 5 and 10 years, it will be 20 days for each year (over the 45 of the first).

– If the person worked more than 10 years. They pay you 40 days for each year (up from 45 in the first).

5. The text proposes measures to eliminate violence, harassment and discrimination in the world of work. We will seek to protect all people regardless of their type of connection (interns, contractors, volunteers, people looking for work…).

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6. The paternity leave will rise in two to six weeks. The implementation will be gradual. The first year will go up to three weeks, the second to four weeks and the third to six.




7. They can agree flexible work hours so that workers can take care of their families.

8. With the labor reform, the domestic work. It is indicated that these people must have a written employment contract that must be registered for the authorities to follow up. Currently, it is estimated that there are 630,000 domestic workers, of which only 17% contribute to social security: 107,000 compared to 523,000 who do not contribute.

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9. The Colombian Institute of Family Welfare (ICBF) will progressively link community parents and substitutes so that they can belong to the staff as official workers, which will allow them to have all the labor rights that they have demanded for years. Colombia has 69,000 community mothers who serve 1.7 million boys and girls in the community modality of initial education.

10. The maternity and paternity leave for same-sex adoptive couples It will be the same as in heterosexuals.




11. The learning contract recovers employment status with 100 percent salary and social security guarantee. The text indicates that apprentices will be paid the full minimum wage and will be entitled to social benefits.

12. The Relationships between digital delivery platform companies and workers may be dependent and subordinate or independent and autonomous.. In the case of independent workers, the company will pay 60 percent of health and pension contributions, compared to 40 percent paid by the worker. In addition, coverage for occupational risks will be guaranteed at the exclusive expense of the company.

13. With the reform, the agricultural wage type to remunerate this type of contracts and in no case would the daily wage be less than the current legal daily minimum wage or that agreed upon in a sectoral collective agreement plus the rest time, which may not be less than twenty percent (20 percent) of said amount and the benefit factor that may not be less than thirty percent (30 percent) of said amount. It will include those permanent, transitory, seasonal activities by virtue of the productive or seasonal cycles, continuous or discontinuous.

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14. The transnational teleworking so that people can telework, with all the guarantees, from anywhere in the world.

15. The reform refers to the guarantees for the exercise of freedom of association, expanding the rights to participation, access to information and protection against anti-union conduct. In addition, collective agreements are regulated and union contracts are prohibited.

*With information from EL TIEMPO – ECONOMÍA

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