economy and politics

The US will gradually restart avocado inspections in Michoacán: Ken Salazar

The US will gradually restart avocado inspections in Michoacán: Ken Salazar

He noted that more work needs to be done so that APHIS inspectors are safe and can resume inspections and thus eliminate impediments to the trade of avocado and mango to the United States from Michoacán.

“We are optimistic that this matter is moving in a positive direction, but we will not be satisfied until APHIS inspectors can continue their work free of threats to their safety.”

Salazar acknowledged that this issue remains a challenge, but progress is expected through Monday’s meetings with the authorities of the Government of Mexico and Michoacán, FESGWE, the Association of Avocado Producers and Packers Exporters of Mexico (APEAM) and other actors. relevant.

It was on June 14 when two employees of the USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) were detained while inspecting avocados in Michoacán.

Since that date, APHIS notified the Association of Avocado Producers and Packers Exporters of Mexico (Apeam) of the suspension of United States imports of the product from the entity governed by Alfredo Ramírez.

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