economy and politics

Sumar proposes reviewing public contracts with Vodafone after presenting an ERE for almost 37% of the workforce

Sumar proposes reviewing public contracts with Vodafone after presenting an ERE for almost 37% of the workforce

June 21. () –

Sumar has proposed in Congress to review the public contracts that Vodafone has with the General State Administration after the British fund Zegona, which manages the company’s business in Spain since the beginning of this month, has raised an employment regulation file (ERE) for a maximum of 1,198 employees, 36.7% of the workforce.

In a battery of parliamentary questions, deputies Félix Alonso and Enrique Santiago and deputies Aina Vidal and Verónica Martínez have asserted that the collective dismissal in the ‘teleco’ represents a “great social concern”, since some 500 people over 54 years of age may be affected and, in terms of indirect employment, up to 14,000 jobs are at risk.

Furthermore, the plurinational group emphasizes that Vodafone’s current workforce is “very tight” considering that they have suffered five collective layoffs since 2013 and “barely represents 3% of the company’s operating costs.” Likewise, they focus on Zegona’s “dizzying speed” in making the ERE decision just 15 days after purchasing the company.


With this panorama, Alonso, Santiago, Vidal and Martínez Barbero ask the Government what contracts and for what amount the company Vodafone currently has with the General State Administration, as well as whether it has received aid linked to European funds.

They also remember that the Public Sector Contracts Law provides for the inclusion of qualitative, environmental, social and innovative aspects linked to the object of the contract, establishes that contracting bodies reject offers if they verify that they are abnormally low because they do not comply with the applicable obligations in environmental, social or labor matters.

“Do Vodafone contracts have these clauses? Specifically social clauses?” ask the deputies in the parliamentary initiative, which Europa Press has accessed.

Likewise, they are interested in knowing whether Vodafone has received public aid or subsidies within the framework of any of the Next Generation instruments, and if it has received them, how many they are and what amount they amount to.

Finally, Sumar’s group in Congress asks the Executive about the measures it plans to adopt in the event that, as a result of the dismissal, the quality of the operator’s service with public entities is affected; and whether the reduction in the number of operators in the communications market that has occurred in recent years in Spain is considered positive.

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