economy and politics

Young income: know the payment schedule for the remainder of 2024

Young Income - DPS

The Department of Social Prosperity announced this Thursday -June 20- the calendar of the key moments for payments and registrations in the Young Income program, so that people who meet the requirements and want to participate, are pending both to claim transfers and to register for future deliveries.

This initiative arose with the aim of contributing to the social and economic inclusion of youth and promoting the consolidation of life trajectories, so that they become part of the country’s productive apparatus and have better opportunities. within the labor market and thereby contribute to reducing poverty and inequality in the country.

Young Income – DPS.

Courtesy – DPS

This program also promotes access, permanence and graduation from higher education and complementary training through the delivery of conditional monetary transfers and manages new opportunities for social mobility through employment, entrepreneurship and postgraduate education.

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Through an official communication, the director of Social Prosperity, Gustavo Bolívar announced that on July 11 the delivery of the second cycle of Young Income payments will begin and that the delivery of the monetary transfer will go until July 25, according to the calendar that has already been ready within the entity.

Young income

Young income.

“This is the one we are announcing at this moment, it will go from July 11 to 25. The resources will be delivered to the beneficiaries of higher education institutions for the concepts of permanence and excellence of the second semester of 2023. In the case of SENA students, the verification period is December 2023 – January 2024,” he said. Bolivar.

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Another point to highlight from this announcement has to do with the fact that the program will open registration, from July 20 to October. This in order to expand the base of beneficiaries and reach new populations that are entering to the stage of higher education and require state aid.

Young income

Young income

Social Prosperity

“For the first time, students from higher normal schools will be able to register for the program. The registration process is completely autonomous: it does not require intermediaries and has no cost. Young people who meet the requirements will be able to register virtually through the Social Prosperity website,” Bolívar added.

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The DPS also announced the dates for its third cyclewhich will take place from July 24 to August 2, 2024. This cycle is aimed at SENA trainees who were verified during the period from February to March 2024. Beneficiaries must ensure that they meet the requirements and are aware of the key dates to receive support.

Young income

Young income


The fourth cycle of the program is scheduled from August 26 to September 9, 2024. This cycle is intended for beneficiaries of higher education institutions, related to the enrollment report for the first semester of 2024. For SENA trainees, the Verification will be done for the period from April to May 2024.

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The fifth and sixth cycles of the program will take place from October 18 to November 1 and December 17 to 31, 2024, respectively. In the case of higher education institutions, the concept for the fifth cycle corresponds to permanence and excellence for the 2024-1 semester, while for the sixth cycle it corresponds to enrollment for the 2024-2 semester. For SENA apprentices, the periods Verification periods will be from June to July and August to September 2024, respectively.

Youth employment

Youth employment


Social Prosperity closed by saying that “it has had to make operational, technical and information system adjustments so that Renta Joven does not remain only in monetary transfer. The entity seeks that the program guarantees access and permanence in higher education and the development of sustainable trajectories for young people in poverty or in situations of socioeconomic vulnerability.

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However, he highlights that these adjustments are essential to ensure that the program works and that they go hand in hand with the process to modernize and automate systems to improve program processes, with which, for example, young participants will not have to upload news reports.

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