economy and politics

Congress validates the decree for unemployment benefits without votes against

Congress validates the decree for unemployment benefits without votes against

June 20 () –

This Thursday, the Congress of Deputies validated the decree that includes the unemployment benefit reform, without any vote against and the abstention of PP, Vox and UPN, and has agreed to process the rule as a bill.

Among its main measures, the decree contemplates an increase in sections of the amount of the subsidy, so that it would go from 480 to 570 euros per month during the first six months (80% of the current Iprem); It expands the group of beneficiaries, and will make it possible to make both the subsidy and the contributory unemployment benefit compatible with a salary.

People who are victims of gender or sexual violence from the age of 16 can also access the subsidy, as well as returned emigrants, children under 45 years of age without family responsibilities, and temporary agricultural workers from across the State.

A compatibility regime is also established between the agricultural subsidies of Andalusia and Extremadura with those of the General Regime and, additionally, a reduction in the actual working hours required to access the former is committed as a consequence of the drought.


The second vice president and Minister of Labor, Yolanda Díaz, has taken it upon herself to defend the decree from the stand, alleging that it is a rule that “should not have delayed its implementation one minute longer,” since it assumes that “those who have it worst” He charges 90 euros more per month, which in his opinion means the difference between eating fresh fruit and fish or not eating them.

“It is not a small payment, ladies and gentlemen, it is a right that will determine the difference between being able to eat fresh fruit, fish or not. It is 90 euros that allow many Spanish families, unfortunately, to live better,” he stressed.

But Díaz has also dedicated part of his speech to thanking the employers for the contributions they have made to the unemployment benefit reform, after the business representatives at the social dialogue table decided not to join the agreement between unions and the Government to design the new subsidy system.

Yolanda Díaz has thanked all social agents, both unions and business organizations, for these “long months of work.” “Her contributions, as well as those of the employers’ association, have significantly improved the content of this standard,” she stressed.

Díaz has highlighted some of the contributions of the employers’ association, such as improving the compatibility of public unemployment benefits, the subsidy and also for work activity, as well as their contributions to the new design of the subsidy for women victims of sexist violence.


The norm maintains the contribution base for subsidies for people over 52 years of age at 125% of the Minimum Interprofessional Wage (SMI), compared to the reduction introduced by the first reform and which led to Podemos’s rejection of it, considering that it They cut the amounts of the future pension.

Both BNG and Podemos, during the debate, have celebrated that the Ministry of Labor has maintained that contribution base at 125%, which is why they have advanced their vote in favor of the validation of the norm.

Regarding the PNV, Idoia Sagastizabal has advanced her group’s favorable vote for including the reform of the prevalence of regional and provincial agreements over state and sectoral agreements when the former guarantee better conditions for working people.


The PSOE deputy, Sonia López Guerra, has stressed that the decree represents the culmination of a transposition of a European Directive on the reconciliation of family life and work life, which will mean that breastfeeding leave is a subjective right. and is not conditioned to collective bargaining.

He has also highlighted that the norm contemplates flexible hours for public workers who are responsible for minor children or relatives up to the second degree of consanguinity. “This is how equality advances, ladies and gentlemen,” the socialist deputy remarked.

Sumar’s Labor spokesperson in Congress, Verónica Martínez, has highlighted some measures included in the decree, such as the extension of unemployment protection to more groups, the increase in the amount of the subsidy, the simplification of the system in the cases of access or linking the benefit to a job. “Spain is going to be a little better thanks to our policies,” she stressed.

For their part, both Bildu and ERC have advanced their support for the validation of the decree because it represents an improvement for people who are in a more vulnerable situation, and have stressed that subsidies are a “right” and “essential.”


The one who did not like this priority of the agreements was the PP. Deputy Ángel Ibáñez Hernando has described the priority of regional agreements as “unacceptable”, “unsustainable” and a case of labor ‘dumping’, as he considers that it will generate conflict and “permanent” legal insecurity.

In his speech he recalled that social dialogue has protested against this measure agreed between PSOE and PNV, which was precisely not included in the 2021 labor reform.

“Sánchez today demonstrates again that he is still in the Government, but he does not govern. He demonstrates today that he continues to be cornered by those who facilitated his investiture and that every day they give him new payments to remain in Moncloa for a while longer,” he reproached.


On behalf of Junts, Josep Maria Cervera has praised the second transitional provision of the decree that adapts the organization and internal functioning regulations of the Economic and Social Council (CES) so that Catalan employers can form part of the Council, by making room for organizations most representative business organizations at the regional level. “We are facing a historic milestone,” he stressed.

Finally, Juan José Aizcorbe, from Vox, has criticized the contents of the decree, but because he says that “they have fallen short in the amounts and also in the additional measures that really encourage and help to get out of the employment situation as soon as possible.” “.

Even so, he has assured that Vox “seems good” about expanding the contribution base for the unemployed over 52 years of age and also paying incentives to find employment for those long-term unemployed, being able to temporarily make the subsidy compatible with the collection of a salary.

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