The Colombian Association of Hospitals and Clinics (ACHC) reported that The debt with 221 hospital institutions went from $16.09 billion pesos in June 2023 to $16.8 billion in December of the same yearrepresenting an increase of $705,000 million, which translates into 4.8% in that time.
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According to the union, the concentration of this portfolio in arrears, being greater than 60 days, reached 54%. Besides, The regime that concentrates the debts the most is the contributory one, with a little more than 50% of the total debt, reaching $8.4 trillion.
For the subsidized regime, This concentrates around 23.2% of the total debt, meaning about $3.8 trillion, followed by the debtors grouped in the State category, which has 8.8% of the portfolio in default with these institutions. Soat insurers concentrate 3%; companies that offer Supplementary Plans and Prepaid Medicine, 2%; and the Occupational Risk Insurers (ARL), 0.3% of the total debt.
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In terms of EPS of the contributory, those that concentrate the greatest debts correspond to the New EPS, occupying 44.7% of the delinquent portfolio and owing a total of $2.8 billion as of December. This debt increased 19.4% compared to June of last year, since in that month the values corresponded to $2.4 trillion.
It is then recorded to the EPS Sanitas that, as of the last month of 2023, the delinquent portfolio corresponded to $985,927 million, increasing 9.6% compared to June, when the debt was $899,233 million. It should be noted that this entity alone concentrates 43.3% of the red portfolio.
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Next is EPS Sura, with a total debt of approximately $596.3 billion and a default rate of 26.7%. cUnlike the other two entities, it reduced its debt by 8.9% between June and December.
“The total volume of debt for this period of the EPS of the contributory regime amounted to approximately $8.4 billion, with a delinquency of 52.2%. 81.1% of this debt, which corresponds to approximately $6.8 billion, is held by 13 EPS that are in operation and 18.9%, which represents $1.6 billion, is held by 16 EPS that have been liquidated and whose portfolio is 100% in default”says the report.
On the other hand, from those of the contributory, it was evident that Compensar is the one with the lowest percentage of defaults, with 22.3%. Below are Salud Mía and Aliansalud, with a concentration of non-performing loans of 24.7% and 24.8%, respectively.
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Now, regarding the health promoters of the subsidized regime, the union of hospitals and clinics stated thate Savia Salud is the EPS that has the highest concentration of non-performing loans with 38.9%. Thus, as of December, a total of $561,555 million is already owed, meaning an increase of 15.4%.
Also, EPSs with a higher volume of total debt as of December 2023 are Emssanar, with $545,973 million and arrears of 58.3%; Asmet Salud, with $387,941 million and arrears of 61.7%, and Nueva EPS, which owes $265,937 million and a default of 51.5%.
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“The total volume of debt for this period of the EPS of the subsidized regime amounted to $3.8 trillion, with a default rate of 63.7%. The debt of this regime is made up of approximately 71.7%, approximately $2.8 billion, due to the default of 17 active EPSs, and 28.3%, approximately $1.1 billion, corresponding to 34 EPSs that were liquidated or merged.“, they say.
Compared to the data of the liquidated EPS, the ACHC reported that these entities have left close to $2.7 trillion in debts. Regarding taxation, nearly $1.6 trillion is reported, corresponding to 16 entities, the most relevant being the most relevant due to their debt volume: Medimás with $573,700 million, Coomeva with a portfolio of $457,200 million and Cafesalud with $328,400 millions.
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Likewise, in the case of the subsidized, it is reported that approximately $1.1 trillion in debt corresponds to 35 entities, the most relevant being the following due to their total volume: Ecoopsos with $178.7 billion, Salud Vida which owes $126.9 billion and Comfamiliar Huila with $122.7 billion.
When ordering the entities with the largest volume of non-performing loans, The New EPS is the largest debtor that the reporting providers havethis accumulating a total debt in the two regimes in which it operates of $3.1 billion and a default portfolio of $1.4 billion.
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In second and third place are the liquidated Medimás with a debt of $669.7 billion and Coomeva with $457.3 billion, both with 100% of this portfolio in default. Next is EPS Sanitas, whose total debt amounts to $985.9 billion and its non-performing portfolio amounts to $427.2 billion.
Another point that details It is the joint debt that Adres has (due to Soat claims) and the extinct Fosyga, for a total value of $419,000 million and a concentration of non-performing loans of 75.5%.
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Regarding the debts of the State, It was recorded that these amounted to $1.47 trillion, with territorial entities being the category that concentrates the highest percentage of this portfolio, with approximately $662,000 million.
Juan Carlos Giraldo Valencia, director of the ACHC, stated that the study figures corroborate that the portfolio problem is a chronic, growing issue that is difficult to resolve. “Defaults remain fluctuating at high levels, despite many policy and regulatory interventions“, accurate.
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He added that since the previous year, the ACHC asked the National Government to adopt an Extraordinary Liquidity Plan, composed of several measures that together could improve the situation of the flow of resources and address the accumulated problems. especially with old portfolios and the damage caused by liquidated EPS that did not respond for their obligations.
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