
The Taliban publicly flog eleven people convicted of theft and adultery in Afghanistan

The Taliban publicly flog eleven people convicted of theft and adultery in Afghanistan

June 14 (EUROPA PRESS) –

The authorities established by the Taliban in Afghanistan after taking control of the country in August 2021 have publicly flogged eleven people convicted of robbery and adultery in the town of Spin Boldak, located in the province of Kandahar (southern), according to The Afghan Supreme Court has confirmed.

The agency has indicated in a statement that the sentences were applied after a series of rulings by a local court and has detailed that all those convicted received sentences of between 25 and 30 lashes for their role in robberies and for maintaining extramarital relations. .

Thus, he detailed that two of these people were sentenced to one year in prison and 25 lashes, while three others were sentenced to one year in prison and 30 lashes. In addition, four people received two years in prison and 25 lashes, while two others received a sentence of three years behind bars and 30 lashes.

The floggings are an example of the extreme tightening of the Afghan legal code after the return of fundamentalists to power. Likewise, the Taliban have publicly executed several people, despite complaints from the United Nations and other international organizations.

The UN Human Rights Office condemned last week the use of corporal punishment against people detained in Afghanistan and called on the Taliban to “immediately” use this type of practice. “Corporal punishment is a clear violation of international human rights law,” said United Nations spokesman Jeremy Laurence.

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