economy and politics

Alvise’s program: a giant prison, forced labor and raffling off thousands of euros a month

Alvise's program: a giant prison, forced labor and raffling off thousands of euros a month

“People think I don’t have a program. Of course I have it, I just don’t publish it. Because I’m an old dog.” This Sunday, Luis ‘Alvise’ Pérez obtained more than 800,000 votes and three seats in the European Parliament after an unusual campaign: a dozen events, many messages on Telegram and few electoral announcements. Despite his words, the leader of ‘The party is over’ has not made public an electoral program to this day that, according to what he has said in some interviews, has “more than 300 pages.” But he has outlined some outlandish promises, such as building a “giant prison” for 40,000 people on the outskirts of Madrid or reinstating forced labor.

The explanation for why he does not make all his proposals public varies depending on the interview. In Marc Vidal’s channel He assured that he did not publish it because it was an “old dog.” “I have learned how this topic works. “You don’t have to enter politics promising, you have to enter having delivered,” he added. “My electoral program is everything we have achieved. Facts, not programs, not empty promises,” he said in another intervention. In the channel of the military man Pedro Baños, four days before the appointment with the polls, gave another version. “We have a program of more than 300 pages,” he stated, explaining that he would only make it public if a major media outlet allowed him to explain it live: “Do you want to hear my proposals? You invite me to your set, information criminals.”

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