Science and Tech

Teenagers will now be able to use Uber, this is what their parents think

Teenagers will now be able to use Uber, this is what their parents think

“Our goal is to reconcile tranquility with the right measure of independence for adolescents, and facilitate everyday situations through technology,” explained Juan Pablo Eiroa, director of mobility for Uber in Mexico.

What do parents think?

Aline Zuñiga, professional and mother of a 13-year-old teenager, is a regular user of the Uber service for her son. According to what she told Expansión, her daily schedule does not allow her to transfer it all the time, so she uses the app.

She requests the trips from her account or that of her boyfriend, who are the people in charge of monitoring the minor’s transfers. They also have a group on WhatsApp to be in communication with him and they have his location in real time at all times, which which – he comments – assures them that the teenager not only reached his destination, but also entered the place.

Zúñiga welcomes the new “Teens” measure, because in addition to the security measures that she already takes, she believes that the service will make it easier for her son to use.

“In addition to the security issues that could arise, the fact that he (his son) can now be aware of which car is going to arrive, who is going to arrive and at what point, seems good to me,” he commented.

In other cases, parents are still reluctant, such is the case of Alejandro Muñoz, father of a 15-year-old girl.

“Since she is a woman and the situation in the country, I am worried about letting her go alone in a vehicle with a stranger. Generally I try to be the one who takes her but I also understand that she is already at an age where she wants to do other things and I couldn’t always depend on whether or not I have time to take her,” she says.

Muñoz points out that, although linking the minor’s account to the parental profile gives him “more peace of mind and confidence” so that his daughter can use the service, he would only use it if strictly necessary.

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