
A man attacks Mette Frederiksen, Prime Minister of Denmark, 48 hours before the European elections

A man attacks Mette Frederiksen, Prime Minister of Denmark, 48 hours before the European elections

The Danish Prime Minister, Mette Frederiksen, was attacked this Friday by a man in the center of Copenhagen. The aggressor has already been arrested.

“Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen was beaten on Friday night in Kultorvet (red square) in Copenhagen by a man who was later arrested. The Prime Minister she is shocked by the incident“, his office reported in a statement without giving further details.

Copenhagen police and Denmark’s national security and intelligence service have confirmed the incident to Reutersbut have declined to provide further details.

“She seemed a little stressed,” she told Reuters Soren Kjergaard, who works as a waiter in the square, after seeing the prime minister being escorted away by security after the assault. However, it seems that the policy does not present serious wounds.

Danish Environment Minister Magnus Heunicke posted on X: “Mette is naturally shocked by the attack. I must say it shakes all of us who are close to her.”

Mette Frederiksen, 46, has been head of government since June 2019: the first term, at the head of a center-left coalition; and since December 2022, she has been at the head of a center executive with two right-wing forces.

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