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ListaSpam and other websites to know who is calling you on the phone

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Telephone spam is a big nuisance. You receive so many calls to your mobile or landline offering offers, a change of company or even scam attempts, that in the end you end up not answering calls from unknown numbers.

But the curiosity of human beings is great: who is behind that number? The Data Protection Law prevents Spanish operators from offering information about the owners of the lines, so we have to resort to websites that find out and publish it.

It is true that telephone spam, that is, unsolicited advertising over the telephone, has been reduced in recent years, thanks to the approval of laws that limit it. But it hasn’t disappeared completely.

The telephone operators They do not bother to eradicate it completely, because they themselves use it to offer offers or try to attract customers from other operators. In addition to official telephone advertising, there are third-party companies, subcontractors, sellers or, simply, scammers who are dedicated to doing business by calling over the phone.

In the end you end up not answering the calls from unknown numbers. But then doubt enters. Whose unknown phone number is it? Was it an advertising call, or perhaps an important call from the Treasury, the city council, or your bank?

Although spammers They use tricks such as calling from landlines or private numbers, and they change them often. There are websites that are dedicated to collecting these numbers. If someone unknown calls you, You just have to enter said number in the search engine on these pages.

It does not always work, but it is useful to locate certain numbers that are often used in spam, or that are active for a few weeks in very aggressive campaigns. Fortunately, There are tools that can help you reveal the mystery of these numbers.

Platforms like SpamList and other similar websites have become indispensable allies to combat telephone spam and protect your privacy. Thanks to these tools, you will be able to know who is calling you before picking up the phone and decide if it is worth answering or not.



Tellows It is one of the best websites to reveal unknown numbers. It is present in 50 countries and is used by 7 million users every month.

Classifies calls by type (trusted number, contest, collection company, etc.) and gives you a call score. Tellows Scorewhich indicates whether a number is trustworthy or suspicious, helping you decide whether or not to take the call.

It is a very complete service, because it has a blog, magazine, X and Facebook account, as well as apps for iOS and Android, all focused exclusively on combating spam.

One of its most curious functions is the thermal map, which shows the places that are generating the most alerts in the last few hours, and the most searched numbers, to quickly detect if there are any operating in your area. If you want to take a look, go to the website Tellows



It is the Spanish version of the website UnknowPhone. With the years, SpamList It has become the largest telephone spam directory in all of Spain and Latin America.

Total stores more than 50,000 spam phone numbers in more than 20 countriesperfectly identified by its users, who range from computer experts and lawyers, to the Internet users themselves who receive these calls.

It is a fairly complete website with a very active community, so the numbers and notices are quite up to date. Accede to

Should I respond?

Should I respond?

Should I respond?

A page that helps you identify and manage calls from unknown numbers. It is supported by a large collaborative database, where Users report and rate phone numbersto determine if a call is potentially spam, telemarketing, fraudulent or legitimate.

You can read other users’ comments and ratings for specific phone numbers to make informed decisions about whether to answer or not.

Each identified number has its own file with the danger index, or the type of call, which is: Unknown, serious call, telephone harassment, etc. Accede to Should I respond?




PhoneSpam It is a good option to reveal unknown phone numbers because it focuses specifically on numbers that work in Spain. It is not like other websites that collect numbers from all over the world.

It specializes in collecting phone numbers used in phone scams. This is what is called a reverse telephone directory: instead of entering a name to obtain your telephone number, as was done before in the Telefónica White Pages type guides, here you enter the telephone number to obtain the owner.

In addition to the search engine itself, you can see a list with the most searched numbers, and those that have been confirmed as spam. By clicking on a phone you can read user comments explaining their experiences with it. Accede to PhoneSpam.



Is a plataform that brings you the telephone number information that we dial. You have a search engine at the top left where you should write. If you dial a number and nothing appears, you can write a review, indicating whether it is a safe, neutral or toxic phone.

The good thing about this website is that it is very active and the numbers are updated quite quickly, plus there are many comments. You can access this platform from this link.

Who calls me?

Who calls me?

The good What this website has is that It is not necessary to register or log in, or anything similar, that is, you can start working with it as soon as you enter it. The only thing you have to do is put the number in the area enabled for it, which is located in the central part of the page and then click Find phone.

After that it will show you all the information it has about the phone number you have dialed. That’s how simple and easy it is to use this tool. Accede to Who calls me?

Websites in English

Who calls me

Who calls me

There are a good handful of websites in English that are dedicated to the task of collecting suspicious phone numbers to find out who has called you..

Since they are in English, they are usually all foreign numbers, although some Spanish numbers can also be seen. They can be useful if you receive an international call, and you cannot identify it. The best options are Who calls me and UnKnownPhone.

Anti-spam apps for mobile


If your mobile number has fallen into a spam network (they pass them on to each other, or sell and traffic them), you will surely start receiving calls, SMS and even emails with unwanted advertising. Or scams…

With an email address it is not a problem, because you delete it and that’s it, but with your mobile number, changing it is a huge hassle. Today mobile systems allow a series of functions to block numbersbut you may want to go further.

exist apps that filter your calls blocking those that appear on their spam blacklists. Some have lists with hundreds of millions of phones.

We do not recommend using these apps because to work they need to review all the calls you receive, and compare the numbers with their blacklist, so it is a violation of privacy. And in most cases, only the paid ones work well. But if you want to try, one of the most popular is Calls Blacklist.




To use the web platform TrueCaller, you must register and create an account. This will allow you to perform detailed phone number searches. It will give you the necessary and basic information to know who is calling you and from which country.

One of the notable benefits of this online tool lies in its international database, allowing you to identify the owners of unknown numbers regardless of their geographical origin. It has a mobile application that allows you to block spam calls, making it one of the most complete in both the App Store and the Google Play Store.

Robinson List

robinson list

If you do not want to receive advertising through your landline or mobile phone, it should be noted that there is the possibility of signing up for the Robinson List. A tool that the main Spanish companies use. If your number appears on this platform, these companies agree not to call you. It is managed by the Spanish Association of the Digital Economy.

There are separate lists to receive paper letters at your home, as well as phone calls, SMS and MMS messages, or even email. You can choose whether you sign up for one or more. Once signed up you will not receive advertising from any company. It is not possible to select to be deleted from only a few companies.

Another important nuance is that Robinson Lists works only with companies that have never contacted you. If someone already sends you advertising, they will not stop doing so, even if you sign up. In this way, with all these websites you will know for sure whose phone number is calling you regularly and thus be able to make the decision to answer or block said call.

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