Science and Tech

Blastoestimulina: An ally in the healing of wounds and burns

On a daily basis, we are all exposed to small accidents that can leave us with wounds or burns. From a minor scratch to a burn from contact with something hot, these injuries require attention and care to heal properly and avoid complications. In this context, it is essential to have effective products for the treatment of these conditions. One of them is the blastostimulin, known for its healing and regenerative properties. In this article, we will explain its benefits and how it can be an ally in your skin care.

What is blastostimulin?

Blastoestimulina is a medicinal cream or powder that contains an extract of centella asiatica, a plant widely known for its regenerative and healing properties. Centella asiatica has been used for centuries in traditional Asian medicine to treat various skin conditions, including wounds and burns.

Its main active component is Asiatic acid, which has been shown to be effective in stimulating collagen production and improving wound healing. The combination of these effects makes Blastoestimulina a popular choice among both healthcare professionals and everyday users looking for an effective solution for skin lesions.

Properties and benefits that you should know

1. Accelerates healing

One of the most notable benefits lies in its ability to accelerate wound healing. The gotu kola contained in Blastoestimulina stimulates the production of collagen, an essential protein for tissue repair. Collagen acts as a kind of natural “scaffold” that facilitates the growth of new cells, allowing wounds to close more quickly and with less risk of infection. This is especially useful in situations where the skin has been significantly damaged, such as in surgical wounds or burns, where rapid healing can reduce pain and complications.

2. Antimicrobial properties

It also has antimicrobial properties, which helps prevent infections in open wounds. The presence of bacteria in a wound can delay the healing process and increase the risk of serious complications, such as systemic infections. By keeping the area free of bacteria, blastostimulin not only accelerates healing but also ensures that the wound remains clean and free of pathogens. This is crucial to prevent minor injuries from turning into more serious health problems.

3. Reduction of inflammation

Inflammation is a natural response of the body to injury, but it can be painful and uncomfortable. Blastostimulin helps reduce inflammation, relieving pain and discomfort associated with wounds and burns. Reducing inflammation also facilitates a more favorable healing environment, as inflamed tissue can be an impediment to cell regeneration. By reducing inflammation, it allows skin cells to regenerate more efficiently, speeding up the process.

4. Skin regeneration

In addition to helping in healing, it promotes skin regeneration. This is especially useful in the treatment of burns and ulcers, where the regeneration of damaged skin is crucial for a full recovery. Blastostimulin’s ability to stimulate the growth of new skin cells not only helps to close wounds more quickly, but also improves the quality of regenerated skin, making scars less visible and skin softer and more supple.

5. Ease of use

It is available in different formats, such as cream and powder, which makes it easier to apply depending on the type of wound or burn. The cream is ideal for superficial wounds and minor burns, providing a protective barrier that keeps the wound hydrated and free of infection. Powder, on the other hand, may be better suited for deeper or exuding wounds, as it can absorb excess fluid and keep the area dry and protected. This versatility makes it a practical option to have in your first aid kit, as it can adapt to various needs.

When to use blastostimulin?

Blastostimulin can be used in a variety of situations including:

  • Superficial wounds: Scrapes, cuts and abrasions can benefit from the use of Blastoestimulina for faster and cleaner healing. These injuries, although often minor, can be uncomfortable and prone to infection if not treated properly. Applying blastostimulin helps to quickly close the wound and protect it from external contaminants.

  • Minor Burns: For minor burns, it can help relieve pain and accelerate skin regeneration. Burns can be especially painful and difficult to manage, but their ability to reduce inflammation and promote cell regeneration can make the healing process much faster and less painful.

  • Pressure ulcers: People with reduced mobility can develop pressure ulcers, so this can be an effective option for treating these injuries. Pressure ulcers are wounds that result from prolonged pressure on the skin, and can be difficult to treat due to their chronic nature. It is a medicinal substance capable of helping to improve the healing of these ulcers and prevent infections, facilitating a better quality of life for affected people.

  • Surgical wounds: After surgery, applying blastostimulin can improve the healing process and reduce the risk of infections. Surgical wounds need special attention to ensure they heal properly, and this cream provides additional protection that can be crucial in post-operative recovery.

Additional Tips

To obtain the best results, it is important to follow some basic recommendations:

1. Cleaning: Before applying, make sure the wound or burn is clean. Washing with mild soap and water is sufficient to remove dirt and residue. This is essential to prevent infections and ensure that the product can work effectively.

2. Application: Apply a thin layer to the wound or burn. If you use the powder, sprinkle a small amount directly on the injury. A uniform and regular application ensures that the wound is continually protected and that the product can perform its function optimally.

3. Cover the wound: Depending on the location and severity of the wound, you can cover it with a gauze or bandage to protect it and keep it clean. This also helps keep the wound in a moist environment, which is beneficial for healing.

4. Reapplication: Repeat the application of Blastoestimulina according to the product directions, generally 1 to 3 times a day. Regular reapplication ensures that the wound is always protected and the healing process is not interrupted.

5. Monitoring: Observe the wound regularly to make sure it is healing properly. If you notice signs of infection, such as redness, swelling, or pus, see a healthcare professional. It is important to be aware of any changes in the wound to act quickly in case of complications.


Blastoestimulina is a versatile and effective product for the treatment of wounds and burns. Its healing, antimicrobial and regenerative properties make this product a valuable ally in skin care. Whether it’s a minor scrape, a burn, or a more serious ulcer, Blastoestimulina can help improve the healing process and ensure a faster, more comfortable recovery. It is always advisable to have it in your first aid kit to be prepared for any eventuality.

You can rest assured that you are giving your skin the care it needs to heal and regenerate optimally. This product not only accelerates healing, but also protects against infection and improves the quality of regenerated skin, making it a trusted option for any type of skin injury.

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