economy and politics

Rules of origin of the automotive sector have promoted nearshoring in Mexico

Rules of origin of the automotive sector have promoted nearshoring in Mexico

Alberto Bustamante, deputy director and spokesperson for the National Agency of Automotive Sector Suppliers (Anapsa), indicated that the increase in the value of regional content that was set to reach 75%, triggered the nearshoring part, something that has been seen in the investment part.

“Since a year before the entry into force of the T-MEC and to date, we see it as investments that have been made in an extraordinary way, breaking records, but something important to highlight is the next review of the Treaty (in 2026).” indicated in his participation in the panel “steel: disruption in the supply chain of the automotive sector”, organized by the Mexican Institute of Foreign Trade Executives.

For the expert, the weight of Mexico’s automotive sector is undeniable, a fact that has put him under scrutiny.

For example, Mexico is the main exporter of tractor-trailers in the world; It is the fourth largest exporter of heavy vehicles, and the fifth largest exporter of light vehicles.

32% of Mexico’s total exports correspond to the sector, in the trade balance it has a surplus of more than 107 billion dollars (mdd).

It is the sixth largest producer of heavy vehicles, the seventh largest producer of light vehicles and the fourth largest producer of auto parts.

Mexico is the number 1 supplier of vehicles and auto parts in the United States.

“In the United States, 90% of vehicles could not be manufactured without auto parts made in Mexico.”

But in all this we must pay attention to the trade war that the United States started with Donald Trump and continues with Joe Biden against China.

Bustamente commented that the United States has a trade deficit of $500 billion with China, something the neighboring country does not like.

This is relevant because the second country with which it has the largest deficit is Mexico and within that, 80% is due to the automotive sector.

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