economy and politics

Workshop on measuring income distribution through the integration of data from surveys, tax records and national accounts


The analysis of distribution statistics in Colombia is essential to understand the socioeconomic reality of the country. In this context, this workshop will focus on the review and use of information from various sources on income, such as household surveys, national accounts and administrative records of income tax returns.

Traditionally, household surveys and national accounts have been the main sources used to monitor Colombian household income. However, administrative records on income tax returns, which offer a more accurate view of higher incomes, have been less accessible and their use has been limited to specialized studies on tax issues. Likewise, in 2023, the National Tax and Customs Directorate (DIAN) published aggregate data on income declarations, which represents an opportunity to deepen the analysis of income distribution in Colombia.

In this sense, the objective of this workshop will be to present the potential of these data in the context of national distributive accounts, seeking to establish consistency between micro- and macroeconomic statistics, as well as the trends that are shown in these processes.

It is proposed to generate instances of exchange with the different data producers, in order to carefully examine these data within the framework of a project aimed at improving the transparency and quality of distribution statistics in the region.


The main objective of this workshop will be to carry out a comprehensive analysis in the context of a project dedicated to enhancing the transparency and accuracy of distribution statistics in the region, to particularly identify areas for improvement, as well as develop innovative strategies to optimize the quality and reliability of the statistical information available.

  • National Tax and Customs Directorate – DIAN
  • National Administrative Department of Statistics – DANE
  • National Planning Department – DNP
  • French Agency for Development – AFD
  • World Inequality Lab (WIL)
  • Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean – (ECLAC)
  • Ministry of Finance and Public Credit – MINHACIENDA

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