economy and politics

Economic proposals of the presidential candidates that you should know before voting

Economic proposals of the presidential candidates that you should know before voting

Xochitl Galvez

Something that the PAN-PRI PRD candidate agrees with Sheinbaum is that they do not want to collect more taxes from Mexicans. Gálvez’s economic advisor, Enrique de la Madrid, has commented that before thinking about raising taxes, the distribution and spending of public money must be reviewed and improved.

One of the points that have been detected that are affecting public finances is Pemex, which previously contributed to the federal coffers, but in recent years it has been the other way around, it has been given support for a significant amount.

In that sense, Gálvez has proposed a new business model for Pemex, in which it only invests in exploration and production, which is its profitable business, and not so much in refining, which presents losses.

Another of the proposals that has caught the attention of Gálvez is the forgiveness of taxes for workers who earn less than 15,000 pesos per month, a fact that would benefit 20 million Mexicans.

He has also put on the table reducing the universal pension age to 60 years, starting with the poorest and a card for women in vulnerable situations, with 5,000 pesos.

The candidate has mentioned that MSMEs will have greater support, for which she proposes a national Agency for entrepreneurship and appointment of an Ombudsman in the matter, as well as innovative financing models so that commercial, development and fintech banks serve this niche. .

In the part of taking advantage of nearshoring, efforts will be made to strengthen security and the rule of law to provide legal certainty to attract investment. Investment in education, science and technology. Consolidate relationship with North America. infrastructure development.

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