If you don’t have anyone to chat with on Telegram, now you can do it with Microsoft’s artificial intelligence. He answers everything you ask him… in his own way.
Telegram has just integrated Microsoft’s Copilot generative artificial intelligence. Best of all, it can be used completely free. We show you how to install it.
To win the artificial intelligence race, you need people to use your AI. And the best way to achieve this is for it to be everywhere. That’s why today Copilot is already on Telegram. A free version with which you can chat at your leisure.
Copilot works on all versions of Telegram, including web and desktop versions. It is easy to install and you do not have to subscribe or open an account with Microsoft.
How to install Copilot on Telegram
For install Copilot on Telegram, in Spanishyou can do it from the links there on this website. Even simpler, just do this search in the Telegram search engine: @CopilotOfficialBot
After installing it, you will have to approve Microsoft’s terms and conditions, and confirm your mobile number. Microsoft assures that it does not save this number.
Once installed, Copilot is integrated as another chat in your Telegram chat list. A new virtual friend with whom you can chat. He is always connected and never gets tired of listening to you:
This version of Copilot for Telegram, It only has chatbot functions. You can’t ask it to generate images, for example.
Microsoft proposes some uses in the Copilot official website for Telegram that has opened. For example, you can use AI to learn about the latest blockbusters, timeless classics, and must-watch TV shows.
Also you can ask him for recipes, sports schedules, jokes, riddles, itineraries, fitness tips and, in short, everything you can think of.
You can even use it to help you flirt: “Immerse yourself in the dating scene with confidence! Copilot gives you smart tips on how to make connections, start conversations, and create lasting impressions. Just type ‘Dating Tips’ into your cupid guide!”
This is Copilot for Telegram. The same applies to a torn one or a torn one. How could we live before without AI?
Known how we work on Computertoday.
Tags: Artificial intelligence, Microsoft, Telegram, instant messaging
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