Science and Tech

Entrepreneurship and innovation, keys to the training of children and adolescents

Virtual education

In a world in constant transformation, where artificial intelligence and automation are redefining the dynamics of society, important organizations such as the World Economic Forum (WEF) have pointed out that soft and human skills are essential to stand out in the labor and business market. in the face of rapid technological advancement. These skills, which range from empathy to creativity and the ability to adapt, are precisely those that, until now, machines have not been able to replicate. In this context, entrepreneurship has become a key tool for the development and improvement of these fundamental skills..

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Additionally, more than 60% of teenagers today want to start their own business later instead of having a traditional job, according to a survey by Wakefield Research. However, until recently, the teaching of this subject in schools had been a pending subject due to the traditional educational approach focused on basic subjects, the lack of recognition of the importance of entrepreneurship as a fundamental skill, the lack of resources and the lack training for teachers on these topics.

Although in Colombia some schools such as Cartagena International School, which is a leader in teaching this subject, have managed to implement an effective education plan on entrepreneurship, more educational institutions still need to implement this subject within their academic curriculum. That is why Biz Lab, a division of the renowned company Biz Nation, has launched an innovative entrepreneurship curriculum specially designed for schools, universities, and other organizations can train their collaborators in this area, providing them with lesson plans that indicate step by step what to do and how to do it.

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Daniela Carvajalino, co-founder of Biz Nation, points out that in addition to training and supporting teachers, they have cultural plans to strengthen entrepreneurship within the institution, whether it is a university, school, foundation, company or government entity. These curricula or plans range from the creation of a junior chamber of commerce to the development of productive projects per classroom. So this new curriculum is designed so that anyone, regardless of previous experience in the field, can effectively teach about entrepreneurship topics.

“We provide a detailed set of lesson plans and resources that guide instructors step-by-step through the teaching process. In addition, we provide specialized training for educators, in which they not only acquire theoretical knowledge, but also learn effective strategies to engage students and foster their entrepreneurial spirit,” Carvajalino points out.

Virtual education


This innovative entrepreneurship curriculum is distinguished by its focus on experiential learning, or learning by doing, since through practical and interactive activities designed to stimulate creativity and encourage critical thinking, the learning process is facilitated.

Furthermore, to further enrich this curriculum, Biz Nation integrated advanced business plan software into its virtual platform, which is specially designed for entrepreneurship learning.

“Making a business plan is very complicated, that is why we developed software in which students can solve questions supported by artificial intelligence, in addition, they can see examples and even step by step of how to do it. In this way, in the end a pdf designed with the brand and look and feel of the company that they created themselves is generated,” says Carvajalino.

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Likewise, he adds that teachers are trained not only in teaching entrepreneurship, but also in the ECAE methodology in neurolinguistic programming and application of the triadic brain, among other aspects. To achieve this, technology plays a fundamental role, since students take an evaluation to identify their brain dominance.

“We understood that not all students learn in the same way; some have left brain dominance, others right, and some central, which implies multiple types of learning. The classes are designed to cater to all learning styles, and in addition, teachers have access to software that allows them to see the results of student evaluations to be more intentional and strategic in their teaching.”adds Carvajalino.

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