
Does Elon Musk plan to make a console? Tesla mogul reveals

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It is no secret to anyone that Elon Musk is a big fan of video games. Proof of this is that several Tesla vehicles have dedicated hardware at the level of PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X. So many wonder if the tycoon will ever enter the competition with his own console.

the people behind Full Send Podcast (via Dexerto) did not want to remain in doubt, so they interviewed Musk and asked him about his possible interest in entering the console market and thus competing with the big players in the industry.

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Does Elon Musk want to compete with PlayStation, Xbox and Nintendo?

Some people are convinced that Musk could jump right into gaming thanks to his massive fortune and his presence in the tech industry. On the contrary, there are also those who believe that the tycoon would fail, especially after what happened with his negotiations to acquire Twitter.

Full Send Podcast asked Musk if he would be willing to enter the console market with his own hardware. The tycoon’s response was blunt and he confirmed that, for now, he has no interest in competing in the sector.

The reason? Musk believes that current consoles are basically PCs, so he believes that a new system would not add anything of value to the industry, at least not in its current state.

“Nope. Right now consoles are all basically PC. I’m not sure I can add value with another console, “said the tycoon. So you’d better not expect Musk to try and compete with PlayStation, Xbox and Nintendo just yet. Below you can hear his statement about video games at the 2:21:50 mark.

In case you missed it: Elon Musk Says Steam Is Coming Soon to Tesla Vehicles

Find all the news related to Elon Musk and video games at this link.

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