economy and politics

Chaos in airlines due to lack of planes due to Boeing crisis

China | Las exportaciones caen en julio

This article was originally published in English

Delays in Boeing plane deliveries and safety concerns could force several airlines to cancel flights.


Vacationers may have their summer plans altered due to possible flight cancellations. This is mainly due to the Boeing safety incidents at the beginning of the year, which have made it difficult for several airlines to acquire enough aircraft for the summer season. Some may have no choice but to cancel some flights or offer reduced service on some routes.

In January of this year, an Alaska Airlines Boeing 737-9 MAX aircraft suffered a burst of a center cabin exit door panel in mid-flight, a few minutes after takeoff. This incident triggered a flurry of investigationsincluding one of the AFederal Aviation Administration (FAA) of the United States.

Boeing has missed several delivery deadlines

Because of this, Boeing has had to face a order accumulationso the company has missed several delivery deadlines and has had to extend others. Naturally, this has also caused the dissatisfaction of several customersincluding the low-cost airline Ryanair.

As if this were not enough, the aircraft manufacturer Pratt & Whitney has recalled hundreds of Airbus engines after detecting a rare manufacturing problem. This problem is expected to mainly affects short-haul aircraft and that many airlines that use this engine will be grounded for a long period of time in the coming years.

Dublin-based Avia Solutions Group, the world’s largest aircraft leasing company, has already raised the alarm about the increased risk of cancellations in the coming months, as well as schedule cuts by airlines.

In turn, it is expected that several flights to popular summer destinations such as Mallorca, Dalaman, Corfu, Lanzarote and Niceamong others, experience an increase in prices, which could exceed the 1,000 euros per person.

Gediminas Ziemelis, president of Avia Solutions Groupwhich leases passenger and cargo aircraft to various airlines around the world, says: “We are seeing what I would call a super demand. “The last time there was something like this was when traffic picked up after 9/11.”

“The airlines They are desperate for planes due to production problems, but the well is dry. I think that in this system dislocatedor cancellations are very possible“, Add.

Ryanair calls Boeing management “headless chickens”

Although Boeing’s latest safety issue in January has significantly complicated matters, the company was already facing continued delivery problems in 2022. Among the airlines affected, Ryanair has been especially critical of the delays in Boeing.

Michael O’Leary, CEO of Ryanair, stated in 2022, as reported by ”: “At this time, we believe that Boeing management goes from one place to another like headless chickenswithout being able to sell airplanes and then even the airplanes they deliver, They are not able to deliver them on time“.

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