economy and politics

The PSOE opens a file against Javier Lambán for breaking voting discipline in the Senate with the amnesty

The PSOE opens a file against Javier Lambán for breaking voting discipline in the Senate with the amnesty

The leader of the PSOE in Aragon, Javier Lambán, will be prosecuted and sanctioned by his party after not going to the Senate this Tuesday to skip the PSOE voting discipline in the vote on the amnesty law. The spokesperson for the Socialist Group in the Upper House, Juan Espadas, has confirmed in an interview on RNE that they will open a file against him. The socialist group’s own regulations also reflect sanctions of 600 euros for this type of case.

Javier Lambán wrote a letter in which the Aragonese socialist explained his reasons for not voting for the amnesty law. Espadas has confirmed that Lambán explained to him that “he had not wanted to participate in that vote because he did not support” the amnesty law for those prosecuted for the Catalan independence process, “but he also did not want to oppose the decision that was going to be taken” by the Socialist Group to endorse this initiative and reject the veto of it proposed by the PP.

When asked if there are going to be sanctions for Lambán, the socialist spokesperson in the Senate commented that “these situations are written and regulated by the groups” in the chambers of the Cortes Generales, and, “obviously, now there is a process in which a file is opened and Lambán is asked, “in this case, for the explanations or reasons formally why he did not exercise his right to vote and, effectively, the process that is provided for by the statutes will be followed.” .

Juan Espadas has stressed that Lambán’s position regarding the amnesty law is “isolated” within the framework of his group, while he was “the only person” from the socialist bench who “did not participate” in the vote in which The PSOE senators rejected “the veto proposed by the Popular Party,” Europa Press reports.

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