economy and politics

This is how the execution of fourth generation works in the country progresses

4G works

The Ministry of Transportation delivered a balance of 4G projects that are developing in the country. According to the portfolio, to date, the average execution progress of works in the construction phase is 80%.

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The Mintransporte reported that, of that figure, 10 projects have progressed more than 90%, so it is expected that they will begin the operation and maintenance stage during the years 2024, 2025 and 2026. Specifically, this year three would be launched. : the IP Cambao – Manizales, Pamplona – Cúcuta and the Pacific Connection Highway 3.

In terms of investments, the entity indicated that around 63.53 billion pesos have been injected into the economy in Capex and around 63.37 billion pesos in Opex for the development of these initiatives.

According to the head of the portfolio, William Camargo, this fourth generation program has not only had an investment close to 126 billion pesosbut has allowed the creation of 170,000 direct and indirect jobs in the country.

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4G works

Ministry of Transportation

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The Mintransporte hopes that fifth generation projects can start the construction phase at the end of 2024. This portfolio includes the Magdalena Trunks C1 'Puerto Salgar – Barrancabermeja', C2 'Sabana de Torres – Curumaní', Longitudinal Avenue of the West South Section (ALO South) and Northern Accesses Phase II.

“Strengthening the main infrastructure, the roads through which the country's competitiveness is connected, with the ports and with the inland areas, will allow us to raise resources under the valorization scheme. With these mechanisms we hope to expand the coverage of State investments and guarantee connectivity, opportunities, resilience and generation of new projects in other parts of the country that have not had the investment of this fourth and fifth generation package,” the minister highlighted.

It should be noted that recently the Magdalena trunks 1 and 2key to connecting the interior of the country with the Caribbean Coast, achieved financial closure.

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