
?Live | France 24 at FILBo: migration in Latin America, a challenge for everyone and no one

?Live |  France 24 at FILBo: migration in Latin America, a challenge for everyone and no one

Latin America is one of the regions in the world with the largest migratory flows. According to data from the World Bank, some 41 million Latin Americans live outside their country of origin. For this reason, migration continues to be a central issue in the public and political debate on the American continent, with a significant impact on the countries of origin, transit and destination. The Bogotá International Book Fair (FILBo) addresses the topic this Saturday, April 20, with journalists from the newspaper El Espectador (Colombia), del País (Spain) and France 24, in a forum on the work of journalism in the field investigative and field work. Santiago Torrado (from El País), Julieth Riaño (France 24) and Camilo Gómez (El Espectador) participate in the meeting.

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