Science and Tech

Boston Dynamics presents the new electric Atlas robot

Boston Dynamics presents the new electric Atlas robot

April 17 (Portaltic/EP) –

Boston Dynamics has presented a new version of the Atlas humanoid robot completely electric and designed for real-world application, after saying goodbye to the hydraulic version that has accompanied them for the last decade.

Atlas debuts appearance in the new electric version that Boston Dynamics has announced; It is still a humanoid robot, with a head, trunk, two arms and two legs, but with an updated body, more agile and less bulky.

Is “stronger, more dexterous and more agile“, and is designed so that its movements are more efficient, instead of being limited by those performed by a human being. The purpose is for it to be able to perform “boring, dirty and dangerous tasks in real applications”, as detailed from Boston Dynamics in a press release.

Electric Atlas also has new hartificial intelligence and machine learning tools, which add to the advances made in recent years on simulation and predictive control, “to ensure that they can operate and adapt efficiently to complex real-world situations.”

With this new Atlas, Boston Dynamics has also adopted a new commercial approach, since they have associated with a small group of clients with whom they will contribute to the development of capabilities that expand their capabilities. The first to be announced is Hyundai, which will test Atlas in car manufacturing.

This new version comes after the company said goodbye to the hydraulic version of Atlas after a decade of advances in mobility, perception and robotic strength, which have allowed this robot do jumps and somersaults in the practice of 'parkour'.

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