Science and Tech

China deploys its new link satellite with the lunar far side

Queqiao 2 Satellite

Queqiao 2 Satellite – CNSA

April 12 () –

The Chinese Queqiao-2 satellite, dedicated to guaranteeing communications with missions on the far side of the Moon, It has completed the testing phase and works normally.

“The functions and performance of Queqiao-2 meet mission requirements and can provide relay communication services for the fourth phase of China's lunar exploration project and future lunar exploration missions of China and other countries,” the CNSA said, when announcing this April 12 the success of the mission.

Developed by the Chinese Academy of Space Technology, Queqiao 2 is based on the CAST2000 satellite framework. It weighs about 1.2 metric tons and has two main payloads: a 4.2-meter satellite dish for communications with lunar probes and a 0.6-meter dish used to transmit data to ground control, Xinhua reports.

Queqiao 2 has the main task of transmitting signals and data with the robotic mission Chang'e 6, – which aims to bring the first samples from the far side of the Moon – whose launch is scheduled for before July using a cargo rocket. heavy Long March 5. In the long term, The satellite will also serve the Chang'e 7 and 8 missions.

The satellite successfully completed a communication test on April 6 with Chang'e-4, which is now carrying out an exploration mission to the far side of the Moon. From April 8 to 9, it carried out communication tests with the Chang'e-6 probe, which has not yet been launched.

Queqiao-2 was launched on March 20 and entered its target highly elliptical orbit on April 2 after a midcourse correction, braking near the Moon, and an orbital maneuver around the Moon.

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