
Biden remembers victims of genocide in Rwanda during 30th anniversary of massacres

April 7 (EUROPA PRESS) –

The president of the United States, Joe Biden, remembered this Sunday the 800,000 murdered during the Rwanda genocide in 1994 and which celebrates its 30th anniversary this Sunday.

Biden has commemorated the victims and survivors of “a campaign of brutal and systematic killing (…) and a massive and methodical extermination, which pitted one neighbor against another, the repercussions of which, decades later, are still felt in Rwanda and in everyone”.

“The United States accompanies the people of Rwanda in their pain,” said the American president before congratulating “all Rwandans who have contributed to the efforts of reconciliation and justice, striving to help their nation heal its wounds, heal its trauma and build a foundation of peace and unity.

“We will never forget the horrors of those 100 days, the pain and loss suffered by the people of Rwanda or the shared humanity that connects us all and that hate can never overcome,” he concluded.

Former US President Bill Clinton, it should be remembered, is already in Kigali to attend the commemorative ceremony of a genocide against the Tutsis and moderate Hutus in the country at the hands of the Hutu militia Interahamwe. Between 150,000 and 250,000 women were raped.

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