economy and politics

The Attorney General’s Office issues an alert due to failures in the operation of the Ptar Salitre

The Attorney General's Office issues an alert due to failures in the operation of the Ptar Salitre

After visiting the Wastewater Treatment Plant (Ptar) Salitre, The Attorney General’s Office issued an alert about “the high risk” of the phase II operation, less than seven weeks from completion of the expansion and completion contract.

(Implications of Petro’s proposal to eliminate the Attorney General’s Office).

Said contract was signed between the Regional Autonomous Corporation of Cundinamarca (CAR) and the PTAR Salitre Expansion Consortium.

In addition, it confirmed the complaint made by the Bogotá Aqueduct and Sewerage Company in which they indicate that not all the operation and maintenance manuals have been delivered.

“A commission sent by the Attorney General of the Nation, Margarita Cabello Blanco, carried out a technical visit to the PTAR and evidenced that there are breakdowns in equipment, errors in the operation of the plant and communication failures in the control and supervision of the processes that prevent remote work in part of the facilities,” says the statement published by the Attorney General’s Office.

According to the control entity, the missing works in Lot 8 of Phase 1 and those of the Metropolitan Park also “present delays and to date the CAR has not imposed the corresponding sanctions that allow mitigating a possible risk of patrimonial detriment”.

(Reasons why the director of Aerocivil was declared non-subsistent).

And, regarding the consortiums, he points out that: “there is confusion of obligations between the environmental license and Contract 0803 of 2016which, in the opinion of the control body, give rise to misinterpretations and differences between the consortia that carry out the construction and auditing, the CAR and the current operator, the Empresa de Acueducto y Alcantarillado de Bogotá (EAAB)”.

Therefore, it asks the entities involved and the PTAR Salitre-CEPS Expansion Consortium to comply with their contractual obligations and “act promptly and effectively in solving the problems that arise in the operation of the plant.”

*With information from EL TIEMPO

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