
In New York, monkeypox cases increase but vaccines are lacking

In New York, monkeypox cases increase but vaccines are lacking

First modification:

The number of cases of monkeypox recorded in New York State stands at almost a third of the cases recorded in the United States. The state Department of Health warns on its website that the number of cases may be “much higher” than the official one. And getting the vaccine is quite a challenge.

By @SilSterinPensel

More than a quarter of the 5,000 cases of monkeypox in the United States have been recorded in New York, making the Big Apple the epicenter of this outbreak, which is mostly, at least for now, affecting men who have sex with others. mens.

“The circle is closing”

“Actually, yes, I am worried about the monkeypox virus because as a member of the LGBT community in New York, we are starting to see people we know or friends of friends who have tested positive,” explains Mateo Sancho Cardiel, a teacher. Spanish university.

“The feeling that it is getting closer and that the circle is closing is there. There are people who tell you that they had horrible reactions and terrible pain. The cases of people who have had a very bad time, which has been very painful, well, it is scary, ”she continues.

“I have seen long lines”

There is a vaccine to protect yourself, but getting it has been extremely difficult. Blair Russell, art consultant, is one of the lucky ones who was able to give it to him, but it was through contacts and in another state.

“I got it in Fort Lauderdale, you don’t get it in New York. I have friends here in New York who went to Montreal or Florida, but here in New York this past month I have seen long lines, I have seen lottery to make an appointment, I have seen people who pay people to reserve a place for them in line”, bill.

doA problem limited to LGBT?

The situation, he adds, is worrying, because the general public considers that this is an exclusive problem for gays. For Russell, it’s a short-sighted and dangerous vision: “It’s sad because of course, it’s a segment and people say ‘it only affects LGBT people and who cares what happens to them’. But the problem is that like other diseases that started in subsections, then spread to the rest of the population pretty quickly.”

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