Science and Tech

The best and worst snacks to eat on long trips, according to doctors

The best and worst snacks to eat on long trips, according to doctors

If you are going to spend a few hours in the car this vacation, you will surely prepare some snacks, or buy them at any store or service station along the way. Be careful what you eat!

Following a diet is not easy, but willpower is tested more than anywhere, when we have to spend more than 3 hours in the car.

On long trips you get bored, or on the contrary, you are having a good time with family or friends, and the “prohibitions” are softened. You stop at a service area, and almost without realizing you bought a couple of donuts, some chips or a soft drink with sugar for the road.

It’s not just a matter of calories. There are snacks that make you thirsty or warm your bodyand that is not desirable on a trip in the middle of summer. Others fill your bladder, and they force you to stop to go to the bathroom, delaying the trip. We’ll see what are the best and worst snacks for long tripsaccording to experts.

The website Eat This, not That! He has asked several doctors and nutritionists and these are their recommendations, and what we should avoid.

Dietitian Cassidy Reeser recommends bring cereal barsbecause they are tasty, they nourish well, and they are easy to eat during car trips, without staining anything.

Another good appetizer the nuts. They are also very nutritious, and keep the digestive system calm, so you do not have to stop in the middle of the trip.

The third option recommended by this nutritionist is buy suitable fruit to eat in the car. For example bananas, grapes, or apples. They are sweet, tasty, healthy, and do not stain.

The worst snacks for travel

Although it is very tempting it is convenient to flee from snacks such as chips, snacks, dried fruits with salt, etc. In addition to being very caloric, they contain salt, spices and other condiments that cause thirst and heat. This will cause you to have to drink a lot, forcing you to stop to go to the bathroom.

If you are thirsty, carbonated soft drinks are not a good choice. They refresh, but they don’t really quench thirst, especially if they contain sugar. You will have to drink more and, again, stop more often. On trips, no liquid is better than water.

Finally, it is also not advisable to buy fast food or prepared food at service stations. It usually contains a lot of fat and a lot of salt.

Fat is bad for the stomachwhich together with the movement of the car can cause us stomach pain, or general discomfort. And salt, as we have seen, produces thirst and the need to drink lots of fluids.

They are simple tips to follow, and it is worth doing if you do not want to delay the trip due to excessive stops to urinate, or because your stomach is queasy from what you have eaten.

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