Science and Tech

The best position to sleep on hot nights according to sleep experts

The best position to sleep on hot nights according to sleep experts

You are in bed at 3 in the morning, 30 degrees Celsius. Drenched in sweat, you stare at the ceiling. There is no way to rest. What is the best position to sleep in the heat?

In a hot summer nightit may seem to you that posture in bed It is not important. After all, the heat is the same throughout the room, and in any position. But it’s not exactly true.

The heat depends on percentage of our body that touches the bedand how they do it the parts containing the hottest organssuch as the brain, heart, stomach, and lungs.

The Web lab bible has asked a sleep expert, James Leinhardt, founder of Levitexa company that manufactures mattresses and pillows designed to reduce body aches while we sleep, and rest better.

If you toss and turn in bed at night, your heart rate variability increases“explains James Leinhardt. “This makes you feel warmer as more blood is pumped through the body. That’s why when temperatures are higher, people generally get even hotter and more uncomfortable.“.

East sleep expert recommends never sleep face downsince it is the position that generates the most heat, and it is also not medically recommended.

In this picture we see the two positions to sleep on hot nights. Called The dreamer Y the stargazer:

The one on the left is The dreamer. Is about side sleeping in semifetal position, with the knees slightly elevated, forming an angle with the legs. It is the most recommended.

with this position our body touches the bed as little as possible, avoiding its heat, and we also keep blood circulation controlled, preventing the body from overheating.

If you try El Soñador (the Dreamer) and you can’t sleep like that, because you’re not used to it, then switch to the stargazerthe right stance.

It has a very poetic name, but it is nothing more than the classic position of Sleep on your back. Yes it’s hot better open your arms and legsto dispel it.

Are The two recommended positions for sleeping in the heatso put them into practice tonight, and see if you notice the difference…

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