Science and Tech

87% of American teenagers have an iPhone

87% of American teenagers have an iPhone

We knew that the iPhone is the majority mobile in the United States, but the figure is absolutely overwhelming in the youngest. It must be hard being Google in North America…

A study carried out by the investment firm Piper Sandler indicates that 87% of US teens own an iPhone. It is a huge success for Manzanataking into account the price of their smartphones.

the signature Piper Sandler has conducted a survey 14,500 American teenagers with an average age of 15.8 years, and there are very interesting data.

Young people in the United States shop at Amazon and SHEIN, wear Nikes, eat at Chick-Fil-A and Chipotle (no McDonald’s), and prefer TikTok and Netflix over YouTube.

American teens love Apple and the iPhone

But the most surprising fact is its almost absolute fidelity to the iPhone. The 87% of teens have an iPhoneand 88% want their next mobile to be an iPhone.

It is an absolutely bleak outlook for Google and Android in the medium and long term, because most people who are loyal to a brand during their adolescence end up being loyal throughout their lives.

These are figures that are difficult to explain, bearing in mind that adolescents do not usually have great purchasing power, and iPhones are expensive phones. In fact, its price has doubled in the last decade.

Piper Sandler has been conducting this survey for a decade, and she recalls that in 2012, only 40% of teenagers had an iPhone. So the figure has doubled in a decade, despite the price increase.

How are these data explained? iPhones are renewed every year, and that makes the second hand market is very active. There are many units and it is easy to find cheap iPhone. And since they are all powerful mobiles, even an iPhone from 3 or 4 years ago is still a great mobile.

On the other hand, many parents when they renew their iPhone they give the old man to their children. And there the adolescents also use the excuse: “is that all my friends have an iPhone”, to pressure their parents. If you have an Android you can’t play certain iOS 16 games with your friends, or join their iMessage groups.

It is a great success for Apple, and puts Google and Android in the United States in a very difficult situation. lucky for them, things are very different in the rest of the worldwhere Android mobiles continue to be the majority in all age groups, with exceptions in the United Kingdom, Australia, and some Asian countries. In Spain it is very rare to see a minor with an iPhone.

In the case of the Apple Watch, it does not have the same acceptance. Only 31% of teenagers have one. But only 36.8% of them have a smartwatch, so the Apple model is just as popular as the iPhone.

When 9 out of 10 teens Americans use a iPhoneYou have a long way to go for the future. Manzana can be calm. The same cannot be said for Google, which will have to change something to make Android appealing to younger people.

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